
2008-11-23 1:43 am
我剛買了一個煤氣煮食爐, 是用濕電打火的.
1. 想問下濕電和乾電的分別及各優點缺點.
2. 可在那裡找到合格師博安裝.

回答 (2)

2008-11-23 2:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
Do you buy this gas stove from Town Gas? They provide regular service. Mine is uses battery. The benefit is you don't have to connect electricity supply (safe installation cost) but yoiu have to change battery for a period of time (say approx. every 18 months).

If you can't find the qualified technician, you can call Town Gas service hotline and seek advice.

But most of all, you must pay attention to what kind of gas stove you bought, is it certified by HK govenment, if so, there should be a label of 'GU' fixed on the stove. Otherwise, you must ask Town Gas to check whether it is acceptable and safe to us in HK.
參考: for your information
2008-11-26 4:40 am
1) 煤氣煮食爐用交流電打火, 不過要加多一個電插座, 唯一好處可以免卻乾電池用完, 臨時買唔到打唔到火.
2) 你購買煤氣煮食爐不是包安裝, 還要找合格師博安裝?

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