
2008-11-23 1:42 am

回答 (2)

2008-11-23 7:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In fact, any material could absorb gamma rays. It is only the question of how effective the absorption is. Generally, the higher the density of the material, the more effective is the absorption. This is the reason why X-ray or gamma ray shielding usually use materials of high densities, such as lead, concrete or even depleted uranium.

The absorption of gamma rays passing through a shielding material is rather complex, as the degree of absorption depends very much on gamma ray energy.

The three important processes involved are (1) photoelectric effect, (2) comption scattering, and (3) pair production.

Breifly, photoelectric effect involves the complete absorption of gamma ray photon by orbital electrons of the shielding material. This process mostly occurs at low energy gamma ray photons (energy < about 50 keV) .

Compton scattering involves the incomplete absorption of gamma ray energy by orbital electrons. However, the scattered photon is usually of very low energy and would be easily absorbed.This process takes place for gamma ray photon energy from about 50 keV to 1 MeV

Pair production involves the complete absorption of gamma ray photon with the production of elctron-positron pair. This process tkaes place for high energy gamma rays (energy > 1 MeV), such as those emitted by Cobalt-60 .
2008-11-23 5:06 am

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