會計Double Entry 1

2008-11-22 4:19 pm
請分列出每題,應Dr 那個及 Cr 那個?

1. Started a business with cash $200,000 and office equipment $8,700
4. Opened a bank account with cash $150,000
8. Bought office furniture $5,700 on credit from Thankful Ltd
Borrowed a loan from Ms Chow $1,750 in cash
11.Bought a building $300,000 financed by a loan from Ms Ho
12.The owner withdrew cash $10,000 from bank for his own use
15. Repaid Thankful Ltd $2,000 in cash
19. Bought office furniture $11,300 on credit from Thankful Ltd
23. The owner introduced money to repay the half of the loan owing to Ms Ho
25. Returned office furniture costing $700 to Thankful Ltd
28. Bought a motor van $60,000 from Faith Co.;two third was made on credit and the rest was paid by cheque
31. The owner withdrew cash $11,000 from bank as his salary

回答 (2)

2008-11-23 3:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Started a business with cash $200,000 and office equipment $8,700
Dr Cash 200,000
Dr Office Equipment 8,700
Cr Capital 208,700

4. Opened a bank account with cash $150,000
Dr Bank
Cr Cash

8. Bought office furniture $5,700 on credit from Thankful Ltd
Borrowed a loan from Ms Chow $1,750 in cash
Dr Office furniture 5,700
Cr Creditor-Thankful ltd 5,700
Dr Cash 1,750
Cr Loan-Ms Chow 1,750
向Thankful Ltd貸購辦公室傢俱,另向Ms Chow現金借貸

11.Bought a building $300,000 financed by a loan from Ms Ho
Dr Building
Cr Loan-Ms Ho
向Ms Ho借貸購房屋

12.The owner withdrew cash $10,000 from bank for his own use
Dr Director A/C 或 Current A/C
Cr Bank

15. Repaid Thankful Ltd $2,000 in cash
Dr Creditor-Thankful Ltd
Cr Cash
以現金還款給Thankful Ltd

2008-11-22 19:39:41 補充:
19. Bought office furniture $11,300 on credit from Thankful Ltd
Dr Office furniture
Cr Creditor-Thankful ltd
向Thankful Ltd貸購辦公室傢俱

2008-11-22 19:40:12 補充:
23. The owner introduced money to repay the half of the loan owing to Ms Ho
Dr Loan-Ms Ho 150,000
Cr Bank 或 Cash 150,000
東主還一半貸款給Ms Ho (因在11項是借300,000,所以一半係150,000)

2008-11-22 19:40:28 補充:
25. Returned office furniture costing $700 to Thankful Ltd
Dr Purchase Return 或 Return Outward
Cr Creditor-Thankful Ltd.
退成本700辦公室傢俱給Thankful Ltd

2008-11-22 19:41:00 補充:
28. Bought a motor van $60,000 from Faith Co.;two third was made on credit
and the rest was paid by cheque
Dr Motor Van 60,000
Cr Creditor-Faith Co. 40,000
Cr Bank 20,000

2008-11-22 19:41:11 補充:
28. 向Faith Co購買價值60000的汽車,其中三分二(即40,000)借貸的,餘下三分一(即20,000)付支票

2008-11-22 19:42:24 補充:
31. The owner withdrew cash $11,000 from bank as his salary
Dr Director's Remuneration
Cr Bank
東主從銀行取現金作為自己薪金 (東主的薪金應該入東主酬金多過一般薪金) (一般薪金英文係Salary)

唔好意思.... 唔知點解唔可以一次post晒d answers.... 搞到一堆堆甘....
2008-11-22 5:48 pm
你做double entry要記住一個道理, 就係如果你Debit asset和expenses account就代表增加asset和expenses, credit係減少. Credit liabilities, capital及revenue就代表增加, debit就減少. 無論你點做, debit一定要等於credit. 而asset+liabilities=capital.
1. 因為老闆帶錢同機器入公司, 公司欠老闆多了. 所以Dr: Cash $200,000 Office Equipment $8,700 Cr: Capital $208,700
4. Dr: Bank Cr: Cash $150,000
8. Dr: Office furniture Cr: Thankful Ltd $5,700
Dr: Cash Cr: Loan from Ms Chow $1,750
11. Dr: Building $300,000 Cr: Loan from Ms Ho $300,000
12. Dr: Drawings Cr: Bank $10,000
15. Dr: Thankful Ltd Cr: Cash $2,000
19. Dr: Office furniture Cr: Thankful Ltd $11,300
23. Dr: Cash Cr: Capital $150,000
Dr: Loan from Ms Ho $150,000 Cr: Cash
25. Dr: Thankful Ltd Cr: office furniture $700
28. Dr: motor van $60,000 Cr: Bank $20,000 Cr: Faith Co. $40,000
31. Dr: Capital Cr: Cash $11,000
如果你連最基本double entry都唔識的話, 以後你會學得好辛苦.

收錄日期: 2021-04-19 12:51:27
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