LOAN to shareholder 問題....

2008-11-22 7:22 am
希望有稅務經驗, 甚至曾任職稅局既人答到我...唔該晒..

我更實際d問...假設我有一間實業..我同街客用月息一厘借錢..數目3000萬.. 同時..我將呢筆錢轉借比大股東..大股東每月付息兩厘..息差每月一厘.. 即公司月賺30萬..而呢30萬..扣除燈油火蠟人工鋪租等每月因此進賬20萬.. 呢種情況...公司實質上要交幾多稅? 係唔係200000x12x0.16=$384000? 如果 公司無其他收入來源..稅局有無權因此查大股東稅..起大股東底.. 又假若我係公司大股東..我有無權將其他人借比公司既錢再借比自己用.. 而我係依正合約付息比公司..會唔會有法律問題?

回答 (3)

2008-11-22 7:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I assume the company is only borrowing money from another private person and not in the form of bank loan or debenture being issued. If this is a bank loan, then there must be some assets either in name of the company or directors or shareholders being held by the bank for security purposes.
If the company is only making finance to a shareholder, a private dealing, and not open to the general public, then it is not trading as a moneylender, which is governed by an Ordinance.
Now, the main issue if how big is the interest paid and received and the nature of the financing obtained by the company. IRD will consider the substance of it and the principal activities of the company. Normally, provided the income / profits are being taxed as a simple private financing business; it is not required to give any reason for such a source of income earned by the company. However, if the interest paid is not to a financial institution, then its deductibility for profits tax purpose will be raised and hence the interest paid by the major shareholder to the company may have to be traced. Or, the interest received will be fully taxed.

2008-11-22 23:45:04 補充:
The issue now comes to whether the lending company is a related company or its directors and shareholders have some relationship with your company. If so, the audited financial statements of your company will has this disclosure.

2008-11-22 23:45:57 補充:
As I have mentioned, in principle, the interest income earned by the company, without the deduction of the interest paid, will be taxable. By the same token, the tax earned by the lender have to be disclosed to IRD

2008-11-22 23:46:11 補充:
why this amount reflected as income in the accounts of the lender is not taxable as the amount is quite material, talking about $3 m.In fact, this arrangement is quite unusual and the amount is quite substantial.

2008-11-22 23:46:19 補充:
IRD may demand you to give explanation and maybe for the details of your shareholder who paid interest to the company. Individual personal tax file, if any, may be checked.
2008-11-24 5:35 pm
2008-11-22 11:05 pm
如文件做足, 簽足合約, 稅局也沒辨法. 但那止利息收入是沒有得免稅的, 那是說純利是需比稅的. 因只有銀行利息是免稅.

致於大股東會否被稅局查, 那有2點, 一是銀碼, 二是大股東本身是否已被查. 機會是很小的.

Best regards,
Samson So

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