
2008-11-22 5:50 am
1. 在聖誕節時在食店購買的一大盆的spaghetti,那麼「一大盆的spaghetti」的英文是怎樣表達?
2. 「每人最少都有一罐罐裝飲品」,在英文是怎樣表達?

回答 (7)

2008-11-22 1:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) A big platter of spaghetti

2) Everyone will have at least one can of drink.
參考: me :)
2008-11-26 7:05 am
1) A big bowl of spaghetti

2) Each has at least a can of canned drinks
2008-11-25 11:04 pm
1. 在聖誕節時在食店購買的一大盆的spaghetti,那麼「一大盆的spaghetti」的英文是怎樣表達?

Usually「一大盆的spaghetti」的英文 is a large platter of spaghetti.

But at Christmas time 「一大盆的spaghetti」is a course on the menu , the tranlsation should be:
Spaghetti Platter

2008-11-25 15:04:45 補充:
2. 「每人最少都有一罐罐裝飲品」,在英文是怎樣表達?
It is better to use every person ( not each person) to express the meaning 每人...都.

表達「每人最少都有一罐罐裝飲品」in English as:
Every person will at least have one can of canned drink.
2008-11-24 5:58 am
1.One of the spaghetti Taipen
2.Each has at least a can of canned drinks
2008-11-22 5:56 pm
A big bowl (or plate) of spaghetti

Each person will receive at least one canned drink (or soda)

2008-11-22 6:29 am
A big platter of spaghetti.
Each person will have one can of drink at least .( future tense)
Each person has one can of drink at least.( present tense)

2008-11-22 5:53 am
1. a big dish of spaghetti
2. each one at least has a can of drink
參考: myself

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