我配不起你 英文怎樣說?

2008-11-22 12:05 am
如果一男一女 個男想講佢襯個女仔唔起
佢: 我配唔起你架..

i don't match you, we can't be together?

但係MATCH只係唔襯 但又唔係襯唔起


回答 (5)

2008-11-22 12:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
I'm not good enough for you.

係咁講咖. 確實就係咁簡單. ^_^
2008-11-22 3:11 am
We are not well matched.

I am not adequate to be your Mr Right
我不夠好去成為你的Mr Right.
參考: own
2008-11-22 2:47 am
I am not your cup of tea
參考: myself
2008-11-22 1:53 am
1) I am not worthy( adjective = 配得上的 )to be your kind of man/boy.
Please set me free.

2) I am not worthy to be your Mr right.
I don't think(that) we will be happy as a couple together.

Hope that helps. ^_^

Bye Bye
2008-11-22 1:51 am
I don't deserve you.

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