translate from japanese to english/chinese!

2008-11-21 9:50 pm
please help to translate these information from japanese to english/ chinese, preferably english. Thanks!




色白で清潔なイメージで知られてる一方、実は大のロック好きで、自分には音楽しかないと言うほどのロックマニア。好きなバンドは、the beatles、the pixies、built to spill、led zeppelin、the smiths、cream、the jesus and mary chain、klaatu、white rabbitsなど。子供の頃からバイオリン(五歳)とギター(七歳)を習い、現在でも弾き続け、かなりのハイレベル。ロック通として知られてるが、ジャズ、クラシック、ブルース、ディスコなどさまざまなジャンルにも詳しい。

愛車はプリウス。 愛犬はシーズーのちゃちゃとドュギー。実家にはバセット・バウンドのマウンティーもいる。

回答 (2)

2008-11-22 1:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
出身於名古屋在名古屋長大。嗜好是音樂和閱讀。14歲從東京搬到美國,進入美國的學校讀書。畢業後雖然考進紐約的哥倫比亞大學,但為了模特兒行業休學一年,現在在早稲田大学深造。曾是ViVi的專属模特兒,現在活躍於很多不同的時裝雜誌。外表像動漫中的角色一樣有很多男性fans支持,也有在男性雜誌的封面上出現。除了白皙的膚色讓人有清潔的形象之外,實際上也是搖滾樂的fans,他自己曾說過自己只有音樂的狂熱者,喜歡的樂隊有he beatles、the pixies、built to spill、led zeppelin、the smiths、cream、the jesus and mary chain、klaatu、white rabbits等等。在孩提時代已經有拉小提琴(五歲)結他(七歲),現在仍有在彈,而且程次不低。雖然一般人所為知的是搖滾通,但其實對爵士樂(Jazz),古典樂(Classic),Blue,Disco等也很研究。愛車是Prius(Toyota Prius)愛犬是獅子狗/西施狗(Czoo),一隻叫Chacha另一隻叫Dogy。父家更有一隻阿富汗獵犬(basset hound)叫mountee呢。

2008-11-24 11:20:45 補充:

2008-11-24 11:30:03 補充:
參考: 自己翻譯,絕不使用翻譯網!
2008-11-23 12:20 am
Nagoya-born U.S. growth. Is the love of music and reading.

14-year-old Tokyo removal from the United States, the United States between the beginning of the school. After graduating from Columbia University in New York had qualified, however, in order to model a business school years, from now until the Waseda University.

After ViVi magazine exclusive model now in fashion magazines and more widely in active. As with the animated character - like the disproportionate use of male fans also looks decorative, men's clothing as the cover of the magazine.

On the one hand, with clean white skin was aware of the impression, in fact, a big fan of the lock, only for his music, such as locks were manic. Favorite band, the beatles, the pixies, built to spill, led zeppelin, the smiths, cream, the jesus and mary chain, klaatu, white rabbits, and so on. From the time the children start learning the violin (five-year-old) and guitar (seven), also on a bomb, a very high standard. Locke as a pass was aware, however, jazz, classical music, blues dance, disco, and so on a wide range of species are also detailed.

Prius is the car. Dog and seed - hampered doyugi. basetto rebound maunti the parents are home.




一方面,用清潔的白皮膚意識到的印象,事實上,一個大風扇的鎖,只有他的音樂,如被鎖狂躁。最喜愛的樂隊,甲殼蟲樂隊的pixies ,內置蔓延,導致飛艇的史密斯,奶油,耶穌和瑪麗鏈, klaatu ,大白兔,等等。從兒童開始學習小提琴( 5歲)和吉他( 7 ) ,也炸彈,水準非常高。洛克作為一個傳球知道,但是,爵士樂,古典音樂,藍調舞,迪斯科,所以就廣泛的物種也詳細。

普瑞斯是汽車。狗和種子-阻礙d oyugi。 basetto反彈maunti父母回家。

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