
2008-11-21 9:04 pm
The golden gooes讀後感 .

回答 (2)

2008-11-22 4:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
This is a very limited story book that contains several of the most basic stories that all American children should know. The stories have stood the test of time. The illustration's are fabulous.

Introduction: There is no introduction.
Organization: There is a table of contents, but the stories are in no apparent order. The illustrations are very traditional and classic looking and are of two types. Some drawings are simple pen and ink. Some are muted color illustrations. The tales do not need the illustrations, but these traditional drawings have been enjoyed for generations and are part of our collective heritage.


2008-12-04 13:56:13 補充:
To 002,

I am a Brit, not a Yankee.
2008-11-22 2:34 pm
Golden Goose.

The Golden Goose (German: Die goldene Gans) is a fairy tale collected by the Brothers Grimm .

The Brothers Grimm (German: Die Gebrüder Grimm), Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, were German academics who were best known for publishing collections of folk tales and fairy tales[1] and for their work in linguistics, relating to how the sounds in words shift over time (Grimm's Law). They are among the best known story tellers of novellas from Europe, allowing the widespread knowledge of such tales as Rumpelstiltskin, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Rapunzel, Cinderella, Hansel and Gretel.

RE: 回答者: whatiswhat24
"the most basic stories that all American children should know...and are part of our collective heritage."

haha!! so much so now "Belongs" to the American heritage. 哈哈 !

2008-11-22 06:41:02 補充:
i guess " The Great Wall Of China" also on your lists as part of your "American'sss" heritage ?! . yes, you Amerian are funny,but some time just plain stupid.

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