grammar and tense problems

2008-11-21 11:05 am
1.I saw the boy was singing./I saw that the boy was singing.
2.I saw the boy singing.
3.I saw the boy sing.
Are these sentences correct in grammar?

And I would like to ask the difference between past tense and present perfect tense.Please explain in datail.
Thank you~

回答 (2)

2008-11-21 9:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2) I saw the boy singing. <------- Correct
I saw the boy singing.= I saw a part of his action( singing)
I saw him singing<-----------He was holding a mic or something.
Usually we say " I heard 聽到 the boy singing.".
3.I saw the boy sing.<----------Correct
I saw the boy sing. = I saw the boy sing (from the beginning to the end)
1) I saw the boy was singing./I saw that the boy was singing.
( saw) here may mean" to understand".
I think you want to talk about the action you saw right?
Use 2 or 3 then.
And I would like to ask the difference between past tense and present perfect tense.Please explain in datail.
"past tense" is used to talk about things in the past.
My mother died three years AGO.
" three years ago" here refers to the past.
He was singing. ( past progressive tense.) WAS singing( on-going action)
He had 已經left when I arrived. had left
To show which event took place first.<------------
Yahoo only allows me to type 300 words here, so
I cannot show you all. Please go to the website above and learn more.

The present perfect is used when the time period has not finished:

I have seen three movies this week.
(This week has not finished yet.)


The present perfect is often used when the time is not mentioned:

Gerry has failed his exam again.


The present perfect is often used when the time is recent:

Ikuko has just arrived in Victoria.


The present perfect is often used with for and since.

Greg has lived here for 20 years.
Greg has lived here since 1978.

The present perfect is formed like this:


have/has plus past participle
He ,she, it ( third person singular) has +past participle
We , I ,you have +past participle

Bye for now.
2008-11-21 1:41 pm
No. 2 is correct. I saw the boy singing. OR The boy was singing. OR
The boy sang.


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