
2008-11-21 10:26 am

回答 (6)

2008-11-21 11:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
Ans: My left arm/leg/foot/hand is in a plastic cast.

That's it.


2008-11-23 22:06:31 補充:


2008-11-23 22:18:28 補充:
Do we NEED to state the chemical equations too ?@+++++++++++++++++++++++@

A plastic cast, a gypsum cast or just a cast ?@_______________________@

2008-11-27 11:14:18 補充:
To tkcdiep,

When you want to tell someone that you take Chinese med next time,
tell that person ALL ingredients in that bowl. If you fail to do so, you are WRONG.native English speakers seldom say what you said. They would only say " My arm is in a cast."

2008-11-27 11:18:31 補充:
To tjcdiep= eicachan,

I asked my mom( a British lady) and 20 friends of mine( all native English speakers). They told me no one would say " a plaster cast". Perhaps you should stay close to the English world more.

2008-11-27 11:18:38 補充:
Carrying dictionaries on your back and acting like you are the queen of the English language will get you nowhere, EICACHAN.

2008-11-27 11:21:46 補充:
Carrying dictionaries on your back and acting like you are a know-it-all about the English language will definitely get you nowhere. You often say that we should answer the askers' questions according to their questions.

2008-11-27 11:23:31 補充:
Eicachan, I am asking you a question hereby. Would you kindly change " I am should going be in tomorrow yesterday wrong right yes or no" to PASSIVE VOICE for me , please?

2008-11-27 11:38:47 補充:
plaster of paris: a heavy white powder that forms a thick paste that hardens quickly when mixed with water. Plaster of paris casts are heavier than fiberglass casts and don't hold up as well in water.

2008-11-27 11:39:29 補充:
synthetic (fiberglass) material: made out of fiberglass,(((( a kind of moldable plastic,))))) these casts come in many bright colors and are lighter and cooler. The covering (fiberglass) on

2008-11-27 11:39:35 補充:
synthetic casts is water-resistant, but the padding underneath is not. You can, however, get a waterproof liner. The doctor putting on the cast will decide whether your child should get a fiberglass cast with a waterproof lining.

2008-11-27 11:40:06 補充:
Some casts are made of PLASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2008-11-27 11:40:30 補充:

2008-11-27 11:42:33 補充:
eicachan, I did not check this thread because I missed it.
That doesn't mean I did not take your you know what.

I am free today and I have replied you all. I truly hope that the books on your back will not cause you much pain. BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

2008-11-28 11:07:32 補充:
To tkcdiep- the gweilo who knows how to type or understands old Chinese poem,

I hope this will be the last time I have to answer your questions.

I am the guy who never wants to miss an unanswered question.

Let me answer you all now and then you may bring my answers to bed.

2008-11-28 11:08:57 補充:
By the way, can you enlighten me on how to translate”死雞撐飯蓋”?

I would translate it this " A dead chicken is keeping the rice cooker lid up".

2008-11-28 11:09:28 補充:
Your question again:
Why couldn’t you show grace when you are caught out? Why couldn’t you behave like a gentleman as cmcangel65 ( 大學級 1 級 ) above? With due respect, you act like (((((a complete lunatic now. ))))))

2008-11-28 11:11:45 補充:
What a complete lunatic? Are you telling me that you are?

Do you only know how to attack me with strong words? I have never said you are.

This is a crazy world . I get crazy from time to time, but that doesn't mean I am a complete lunatic.

2008-11-28 11:12:28 補充:
Here comes your another question:

Why couldn’t you show grace when you are caught out? Why couldn’t you behave like a gentleman as cmcangel65 ( 大學級 1 級 ) above? With due respect, you act like (((((a complete lunatic now. ))))))

2008-11-28 11:13:06 補充:
Ans: When did I tell people I am a gentleman? I am just a simple man.

2008-11-28 11:13:44 補充:
Here is something you typed. I would like to reply you too.

Grow up, dear whatiswhat24!

2008-11-28 11:15:19 補充:
What bothers you if I DON'T? What if I only shrink? I am what I am and you are what you are. I don't think I need your lectures. If you want to grow up, go ahead. That's not my biz anyway.

2008-11-28 11:15:59 補充:
This would be your last question:

By the way, you now say native English native English speakers would only say " My arm is in a cast.". But then, why did you answer, “My left arm/leg/foot/hand is in a plastic cast.” in your answer in the first place :-) ?? ???

2008-11-28 11:18:30 補充:
"must"," will". " would" or" might mean differently. I never said they must say that.

I used the modal verb" would"." I must kill you"<--------- is diff from "I would kill you".

2008-11-28 11:19:21 補充:
Why did I answer " My arm is in a plastic cast" in the first place?

Here is my answer to you:

2008-11-28 11:21:24 補充:
When I looked at this question, I thought , " Does this guy know there are not only one kind of casts in the world". He might just want to talk about a broken arm or something in a cast.

2008-11-28 11:25:26 補充:
Also, how can the asker be that sure if the cast he wants to describle is what you call " a plaster"?

He broke it open? or did he send it to the lab for tests?

I really think it WOULD be enough to say if someone's arm or something is in a cast.

2008-11-28 11:25:37 補充:
Perhaps he would not want this answer, so I gave him the first answer.

(There are plastic casts too. )

2008-11-28 11:26:06 補充:
synthetic (fiberglass) material: made out of fiberglass,(((( a kind of moldable plastic,))))) these casts come in many bright colors and are lighter and cooler. The covering (fiberglass) on *********************

2008-11-28 11:26:12 補充:
Some casts are made of PLASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


2008-11-28 11:29:26 補充:
You just ignored my posted links tho.

I hope I've answered all your question.

I'm very glad that 001 can take criticism, unlike the other guy. <--------

This section is for" 意見", not for what you call" criticism".

2008-11-28 11:32:42 補充:
I truly hope that I will not have to answer your questions.

Bye Bye

2009-02-28 00:40:30 補充:
tkcdiep little dd

I am so glad that you know you are NUTS.
2008-11-28 10:29 pm
Let's go back to the knowledge side :

After all the exchanges of opinion, whatiswhat is correct.

His answer and explanation showed that he fully understand what the plastic cast means, not just a direct copy from the dictionary.

2008-11-28 14:32:57 補充:
Let's go back to the knowledge side :

Afte all the discussion whatiswhat is correct since he understands what is a plastic cast and how to use it colloquially.

2008-11-28 14:38:50 補充:
Though not all native English speaker know all the correct grammars and usage, whatiswhat definitely is not belonging to this group. He knows what he is talking about, not just out of dead transfer of wordings from a dictionary to the question page.
2008-11-28 8:37 pm
如果是醫師幫你打了, 而不是你去幫人打, 你可以說:

I have had my (left arm) set in a cast.

cast 一個字已足夠, 沒有必要說明是 plaster 或其他物料.

但中文就一定講 "石膏" 兩個字一齊, 因為似乎 "打膏" 或 "打xxx膏" 聽起來很不順耳.
2008-11-22 6:02 am
I regret to say the answers give above by whatiswhat24 ( 碩士級 1 級 ) and cmcangel65 ( 大學級 1 級 ) are wrong!

plastic = 塑膠
plaster = 石膏

So, the correct translation should be: My left hand is in a plaster cast.

2008-11-21 22:06:54 補充:
Definition of "plaster cast" - please go to http://dictionary.cambridge.org/define.asp?key=60520&dict=CALD

2008-11-26 22:52:26 補充:
I'm very glad that 001 can take criticism, unlike the other guy.

2008-11-27 21:08:52 補充:
Dear whatiswhat24,

You made a ridiculous assumption at another place that "ERICACHAN" and me are the same person. Here, you made another ludicrous assumption that I’m also “eicachan”. What made you think so is absolutely beyond me! Sorry to have got you into trouble, Mr/Ms “eicachan”.

2008-11-27 21:10:08 補充:
Look at my profile and the questions I have answered and you will have no problem in observing that tkcdiep is only a lowly Grade 4 at Primary Level, a completely different person.

2008-11-27 21:11:07 補充:
Well, I could as well say I am a Gweilo myself and that I have asked a million Gweilos and Gweipos and they all say “whatiswhat24” is dead wrong. No, I wouldn’t say that. It is too childish and it won’t deceive anybody.

2008-11-27 21:11:39 補充:
Anyone interested to find out who is right and who is wrong can easily key in “plastic cast” and “plaster cast” at “Google” 圖片.

2008-11-27 21:12:22 補充:
I won’t pretend. I am a Chinese and my English is riddled with errors. It is you who is “acting like you are a know-it-all about the English language” (your allegation against me).

2008-11-27 21:12:37 補充:
Why couldn’t you show grace when you are caught out? Why couldn’t you behave like a gentleman as cmcangel65 ( 大學級 1 級 ) above? With due respect, you act like a complete lunatic now.

2008-11-27 21:13:13 補充:
By the way, can you enlighten me on how to translate”死雞撐飯蓋”? I ask you because even a person with only half a brain would have no problem in observing that you are an expert in doing so.

2008-11-27 21:13:35 補充:
Grow up, dear whatiswhat24!


2008-11-27 21:27:17 補充:
By the way, you now say native English native English speakers would only say " My arm is in a cast.". But then, why did you answer, “My left arm/leg/foot/hand is in a plastic cast.” in your answer in the first place :-) ?? ???

2008-11-28 14:13:44 補充:
To whatiswhat24: I give up. My reply to you is “NUTS!”. End of the matter.

2008-11-28 14:14:05 補充:
To Ken: I've checked. I agree that people would normally say “in a cast”. As I said, I'm not a native English speaker.

2008-11-28 14:14:25 補充:
It was someone who claimed to have a native English speaker as mother who first answered “My left arm/leg/foot/hand is in a plastic cast.” that started this tempest in the teacup.
2008-11-22 12:09 am
my left hand is in a gypsum cast
2008-11-21 6:31 pm
My left arm is in a plastic cast.

2008-11-26 10:20:55 補充:
You are right between plastic and plaster.
Thank you for your correction.
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