
2008-11-21 9:29 am

陳大文 Chan Tai Man


回答 (2)

2008-11-21 10:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
"TMC" is correct in the English world because white folks think that our names should be followed by our surnames.
Same things go to " David ( name here) Beckham( surname here)".
That's the conflict between the Chinese language and English language.
If you are in Hong Kong, you should tell your friends you are CTM.

What if you are in an English-speaking country? You just tell them you are TMC then.
When in Rome, do as the Romans do.^_^
Bye Bye
2008-11-21 10:04 am
Chan Tai Man (CTM) 是中式叫法,因為中國人是「姓氏」行先,名字在後。
Tai Man Chan (TMC)是西式叫法。因為英文姓名排法是:
名字(First Name) / 中間名字 (Middle Name) / 姓 (Last Name),咁 就變成 Tai Man Chan,而外國人唔會叫埋個Middle Name,所以外國人會叫佢 Tai,省去個Man。

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