
2008-11-21 5:00 am
Larry likes helping people.One day,he saw a plastic bag in the lobby of his block.It was full of dog food.
Whose bag is this?Larry thought.Mrs Lee has a dog.Perhaps it's hers.
Lee took the bag upstairs to Mrs Lee's flat.
I found thisbag beside the lift.Is it yours.Mrs Lee? he asked her.
No,Larry.It's not mine,said Mrs Lee.
Mr and Mrs Wong have two dogs.Perhaps it's theirs.
Thank you ,Mrs Lee,said Larry.
Larry carried the bag to the Wong flat.He asked them about the bag.
It's not ours,said Mr and Mrs Wong.Larry went to three more flats but he still could not find the owner of the bag.
Finally Larry went back to the lobby.When he reached the ground floor.he saw Mrs Kong and her son,Joe.standing there.
That's funny,Mrs Kong said to Joe.The bag was too heavy so I left it here and went upstairs to call you.Where is it now?
Is this bag yours.Mrs Kong?asked Larry.
Yes,it is!said Mrs Kong.
Let me carry it upstairs for you.said Larry.
Thank you.That's very kind of you ,said Mrs Kong.
Let's carry it together,said Joe.
Larry was very tired that evening.He told his mother about the bag.
Well done!You're very helpful,Larry.But sometimes you're too helpfull!

1.What did Larry want to do to help?
2.Look at Larry's thought bubble at the end.What floor did Mrs Lee live on?
3.How many dogs did Mr and Mrs Wong have?
4.When Mrs Kong went down again to the lobby,what couldn't she see?
5.Where did Larry take the bag in the end?
6.Where did Larry's mother say he was 'too helpful'?

回答 (3)

2008-11-21 11:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) to find the bag ower.
2) 1st floor.
3) two.
4) her plastic bag.
5) the lobby on the ground floor.
6) at home ( the lobby O(∩_∩)O 哈哈~ )
2008-11-21 9:15 am
1) He wanted to return the plastic bag to its owner.
2) She lived on the first floor.
3) They had two dogs.
4) She couldn't see her plastic bag.
5) He took it to the lobby in the end.
6)She said it to him at home.

2008-11-21 04:14:38 補充:
1) He wanted to return the plastic bag to the person who lost it.*********
2008-11-21 5:10 am
1.Larry want to took the bag to the owner.
2.The eighteenth floor.
3.Two dogs.
4.The plastic bag.
5.Larry take the bag to the lobby.

參考: Me!

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 18:17:33
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