persons=people? 15點丫:)入來解答我吧.plz!

2008-11-21 4:01 am

3題都答晒佢丫.唔該大家:) 急要ans.!


回答 (6)

2008-11-21 9:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
" persons" is 100% an English word!
Check out this Oxford dictionary website, guys!

• noun (pl. people or persons) 1 a human being regarded as an individual. 2 an individual’s body: concealed on his person. 3 Grammar a category used in the classification of pronouns, verb forms, etc. according to whether they indicate the speaker (first person), the person spoken to (second person), or a third party (third person). 4 Christian Theology each of the three modes of being of God, namely the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
Ans: In modern English, you can say that, but there is something
Ans: In the old days, people was used as the plural of " person".
In modern English, persons mean people, but there is something different.
a person two persons
a person two people.
" people" means 國民;民族;種族,etc
but " persons" doesn't mean 國民;民族;種族. That's the main difference between these two words.
persons( 2個人/以上) = people ( persons <- is more formal tho)
You may check out 2) or the Oxford website for a better understanding.

That's it.
Bye for now.

2008-12-04 14:45:00 補充:

Well put! For those who don't think " persons" is a word, they'd really look it up in the dictionary.

( A better one indeed) ^_^
2008-12-04 9:59 pm
一般情況下, 應該用 people 來表達 a person 的眾數. people 及 persons 兩個字不是 interchangeable 的.

2008-12-04 14:02:45 補充:
people, 解 "超過一個人", 就不可加 s; 若解 "民族", 就要說 "a people" (一個民族); "two peoples" (兩個民族).

2008-12-04 14:04:54 補充:
以下是 cambridge dict. 的解釋:

person (noun [C] plural people or FORMAL OR LAW persons)

A meal at the restaurant costs about $70 for two people.

LEGAL Four persons have been charged with the murder.

2008-12-04 14:14:59 補充:
因此, persons 和 people 在使用上應是有分別的, 但似乎很多香港人在使用時都不太在乎, 又或許再過一些日子, 英美人士也將兩者等同起來也不出奇.
2008-11-21 4:48 am
1. persons係咪等於people?
Answer: The plural of ‘person’ = ‘persons’ or ‘people’.

2. persons同people既2詞的分別
Answer: 'people’ can also mean ‘a race’ (民族) – e.g. the The Chinese are a hardworking people.

3. persons既意思係咪2個人/以上.意思同people一樣?
Answer: Yes, ‘persons’ means two or more human beings, and in that sense, there is no difference between ‘persons’ and ‘people’. So, we can say ‘two persons’ or ‘two people’.
2008-11-21 4:23 am
2.person =一個人,而people=2個人或以上
3.person 無可能有s,因為person 係單數,而people 係眾數

例:There are three people.(Correct)

There are three persons.(Wrong)
參考: ME
2008-11-21 4:13 am
2.persons係冇既,person 解一個人,而people 係2個人或以上
3.person 係唔會加個s既,person 係單數,people 係眾數
參考: 自己
2008-11-21 4:09 am
2.person一個人people 好多人

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