I want to ask about Speech Festival....

2008-11-21 3:38 am
If i win Champion, do i need to competite with other winners again?
help me!

回答 (3)

2008-11-23 5:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
No, you don't need to competive with other winners.
You will take a flag immediately.

I know because I have tried to go to have the competition since I was primary two.Please believe me.
參考: myself
2008-11-22 1:29 pm
i m not sure, it really depends on how many competitors there are in the competition...
one of my friends won champion once and she has to go to a second round...(for your information, it's solo verse speaking)
2008-11-21 3:56 am
應 該 唔 使 的

我 都 有 參 加 過

我 有 個 朋 友 都 係 第 一

佢 都 唔 使 再 比 賽
參考: 自 己

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