我想要d英文會話既連接詞/ \

2008-11-21 3:16 am
如 think need 等等既字/ \
因為係補習既時間...都唔知點表達自己既意見/ \
thx 大家

回答 (2)

2008-11-21 4:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) In my opinion
2) I suppose
3) As far as I know
4) Generally speaking
5) As for you/ me
6) To be honest
7) I don't think it is good...
8) I totally agree with you............
9) I am afraid that I cannot ....
10) What do you think/say?
11) What do you call this in English?
12) How do you say this in English?
13) How do you spell .....?
14) What if I don't want it?
15) I have to / I need to/ I ought to....
16) Perhaps .........
17) As a matter of fact.......
18) It seems to me that ........
19) What does this mean?
20) No comment!
Good luck!
2008-11-21 4:15 am

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