
2008-11-21 2:56 am

回答 (1)

2008-11-22 10:30 pm
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蛋撻 歷史(中)




Egg tarts are a kind of pastry that is popular in Hong Kong, Macau and surrounding areas in southern China. It consists of a flaky outer crust, with a middle filled with egg custard, which is then baked. It is related to the English-style custard tart, a pastry commonly enjoyed in the British Isles, Australia, and New Zealand. Egg tarts are typically marketed at Chinese, Hong Kong, and Macau bakeries, cha chaan tengs (tea restaurants), and some dim sum restaurants. The second character in the Chinese name (ta) is a character that closely resembles 'tart' in pronunciation (used only for its sound), while the first (dan) is Chinese for 'egg'.
Today's egg tarts come in many variations due to Hongkongers' gastronomic curiosity. These include egg white tarts, milk tarts, honey-egg tarts, ginger-flavored egg tarts (the two aforementioned variations were a take upon traditional milk custard and egg custard, which was usually served in cha chaan tengs), chocolate tarts, green-tea-flavoured tarts and even bird's nest tarts.

2008-11-22 14:31:26 補充:
One theory suggests Chinese egg tarts are a Chinese adaption of English custard tarts. Guangdong had long been the region in China with most frequent contact with the West, in particular Britain. As a former British colony, Hong Kong food would naturally assimilate British tastes. Custard

2008-11-22 14:31:52 補充:
tarts made of shortcrust pastry, eggs, sugar, milk or cream, vanilla, and nutmeg have long been a
favourite pastry in the British Isles, Australia, and New Zealand. According to Laura Mason and

2008-11-22 14:32:02 補充:
Catherine Bell's Traditional Foods of Britain: An Inventory (Prospect Books, London, 2004) a version of custard tart has been made in England since the Middle Ages. The medieval recipe was
a shortcrust pastry case filled with a mixture of milk or cream, eggs, sweetening agents, and

2008-11-22 14:32:23 補充:
other spices. Gary Rhodes's New British Classics (BBC Worldwide, London, 1999) states the recipe of making the modern version of English custard tart has been more or less set since the Tudor times.

2008-11-22 14:32:46 補充:
材料 :
皮 : 低 筋 粉 220 克 、 牛 油 110 克 、 淡 奶 3 湯 匙 、 砂 糖 1 湯 匙
餡 : 雞 蛋 6 隻 、 砂 糖 140 克 、 水 1 杯 、 淡 奶 1 杯 、 吉 士 粉 1 湯 匙

2008-11-22 14:32:57 補充:
跟 住 做 :
1 ﹒ 先 將 粉 與 牛 油 慢 慢 融 入 , 加 入 砂 糖 和 淡 奶 等 搓 成 糰 , 工 場 用 大 型 攪 拌 機 , 在 家 可 用 迷 你 攪 拌 機 或 以 手 慢 慢 搓 成 皮 。 將 糰 搓 成 直 徑

2008-11-22 14:33:07 補充:
約 1 吋 半 圓 柱 體 , 搣 成 圓 球 狀 。
2 ﹒ 以 烏 卒 卒 帶 油 性 的 糰 , 吸 走 撻 模 內 的 「 鑊 撈 」 , 焗 出 來 的 蛋 撻 才 會 乾 淨 。 ( 自 家 製 省 這 步 驟 )

2008-11-22 14:33:15 補充:
3 ﹒ 將 圓 球 搓 圓 壓 扁 套 入 模 內 , 邊 轉 圈 邊 以 拇 指 將 撻 皮 壓 入 , 直 至 完 全 貼 住 撻 模 。
4 ﹒ 將 蛋 漿 餡 料 全 部 拂 勻 , 注 入 蛋 撻 模 內 至 8 成 滿 , 放 進 預 熱 焗 爐 ,

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以 400 度 高 溫 焗 10 分 鐘 。
5 ﹒ 然 後 轉 200 度 焗 10 分 鐘 至 蛋 撻 內 外 熟 透 即 成 。


2008-11-22 14:33:36 補充:
100g butter
40g icing sugar (sifted)
180g superfine flour (sifted)
1/2 beaten egg
1/4tsp vanilla essence
3 eggs, light beaten
80g granulated sugar
240ml water
40ml evaporated (ideal) milk
1/4tsp vanilla essence

2008-11-22 14:33:46 補充:
To prepare pastry:
Beat butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add in beaten egg and vanilla essence and beat until the egg is incorporated well into the mixture.

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Add in flour. Mix well until a non-sticky dough is formed.
Chill pastry dough for about 2 hours.
To prepare filling:

2008-11-22 14:34:08 補充:
Dissolve sugar in boiling water. Set aside to cool.
When the syrup has cool, add in beaten eggs, evaporated milk and vanilla essence. Mix well.
To prepare egg tarts:
Divide pastry dough into 10 portions. Press each portion evenly into greased tart mould. Trim the

2008-11-22 14:34:31 補充:
edge to remove excessive dough. Prick base of each tart with a fork.
Fill in egg mixture to about 90% full. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degC for 25-30 minutes.
Leave the tarts in moulds for 10 minutes before turning onto wire rack to cool.

2008-11-22 14:34:38 補充:
Superfine flour has low protein content, most suitable for cookies and shortcrust pastries.
It is advised to first use both upper and lower heat. When surface of tarts turn golden use bottom heat only.

2008-11-22 14:34:43 補充:
Note that heating characteristic of every oven varies. Please adjust temperature, heat direction and cooking time of your oven accordingly.


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