
2008-11-21 2:19 am
我想問下Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn係咪同1個story泥嫁??

回答 (5)

2008-12-28 10:53 pm
2008-11-24 9:00 pm
2008-11-23 1:54 am
我看了Twilight, New Moon , Eclipse and Breaking Dawn.
Twilight - A teenager girl called Bella Swan she falls in love with a blood drinker Edward.
New Moon-Edward the vampire moves away and left Bella, a vampire came to seek of revenge to kill Bella but Edward stops and rush to save her ......
Eclipse-Edward suspects are being caused by a newborn vampire that is unable to control its thirst. Edward and Bella fill out college applications, while Bella explains to Edward her desire to see Jacob, her werewolf friend, again.....
Breaking Dawn- The first part details Bella's marriage and honeymoon with Edward, which they spend on a private island off the coast of Brazil, called Isle Esme.. Edward grants Bella's wish and makes love to her. Soon after, Bella finds a box of unused tampons and realizes that she is pregnant......
參考: me
2008-11-21 10:21 pm
2008-11-21 6:40 am
係呀,係同一個series黎架,即係好似harry potter分幾集咁lor
參考: myself

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