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近年的大學畢業禮多在12月上旬舉行。隨著畢業生人數的急速增長,亦發展至需一連三日舉行。每年的「大會」(頒授學位典禮)正式開始前,持有大學儀杖的權杖員(Mace Bearer)會引領教職員及嘉賓組成的典禮行列進入會場,此時全體參加者須肅立,恭迎典禮行列。待典禮行列悉數步上禮台,緊接播放國歌。
"權杖" 是從中世紀的私人作坊中演化而來的,也是從西方大學文化引入的新事物,它象征著教育的崇高和知識的圣洁,是對同學們刻苦學習、學有所成的最佳見證。
The duty of the mace-bearer was to carry the mayor’s great mace in front of the mayor as he went out and about on official city business. This mace represents authority under the Crown.
The size of the city mace was always felt to be important. Compare the size of the city mace held by the mace-bearer (up) with the stave held by a university bedel (down).
The silver-gilt city mace, at over 5 feet tall, is the largest civic one in Britain. It was made in 1651 and is almost a replica of the House of Commons mace. It is carried on the shoulder.
The four staves currently used by the University were made by a London silversmith in 1723, and are carried by the four Bedels representing the Faculties of Divinity, Law, Medicine, and Arts. They are carried in the crook of the arm
2008-11-21 13:19:46 補充:
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