呢下呢句英文點寫, thank you ~~ (20分)

2008-11-21 12:08 am

回答 (6)

2008-11-21 12:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
Due to the inappropriate behavior of one inebriated person causing discomfort to our other guests, I am very sorry and would like to offer my deepest apology.
2008-11-21 7:51 pm
由於一位人仕醉酒鬧事,做出一些失儀不當行為,對其他賓客造成的不安,我非常難過和抱歉 .
I like to express my apology that an individual who was drunk & his misfit behavior caused the disturbance to the other guests. I'm deeply sorry about that.
參考: Own
2008-11-21 2:49 am
As a who drink trouble, some lost Yee engaged in misconduct of other guests concern, I was very sad and apologize
2008-11-21 1:21 am
Because a person Shi alcoholic intoxication causes trouble, makes some breaches of etiquette not to work as the behavior, the restlessness which creates to other guests, I am sad and the regret
參考: me
2008-11-21 1:03 am
I am deeply sorry about the drunk guest's unfitting behaviours that caused
other guests much embarrassment.Please kindly accept my apologies.

2008-11-21 12:43 am
I feel very sorry about the disturbance to others guests caused by a drunken guy's misbehavior and discourteousness.
參考: hkslot人肉翻譯軟硬體

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