
2008-11-20 9:01 pm
我係San Fransico ge CVHS 讀書 , 12 / 20 - 12 / 31 期間想飛去LA朋友屋企過聖誕 , 但係對美國內陸航機一竅不通 , 唔知點入手 , 有幾條問題希望大家可以幫我解答.

1 ) 由 San Fransico 到 LA ge 航機大約需要幾多 $$ ?

2 ) 有冇話邊間航空公司d機票平d ?

3 )大約要坐幾多個鍾飛機 ?

4 )邊到可以睇到美國內陸航機機票ge日期 , 時間 , $$ ?

5 ) 過境有冇咩要特別注意 ( 有咩帶得, 有咩唔帶得 ) ?

6 ) 係咪要著拖鞋 ( 方便過關檢查 ) ?

回答 (2)

2008-11-21 1:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) Average price is around $150. However, it tends to be higher price if you book for the holidays. It may go up to $300. It really depends on if you can be flexible about the time.

2) In average, you won't believe it but in fact if you can book at least a month in advance, United is the cheapest. Currently for your time frame, Southwest has the lowest.

3) Actual flight time is 50 minutes.

4) You can search by using travelocity.com or expedia.com. Also you can search in the website of an airline.

5) You can go to www.tsa.gov to see. In fact, weapons are allowed only in checked luggage when it is unloaded.

6) It won't make a difference. It is still better to wear shoes because sometimes airline can kick you off the plane because of your wear.
2008-11-20 10:44 pm
1 ) 由 San Fransico 到 LA ge 航機大約需要幾多 $$ ? and 2 ) 有冇話邊間航空公司d機票平d ? and 4 )邊到可以睇到美國內陸航機機票ge日期 , 時間 , $$ ?
- 普通價錢大約US$189.00, 但如你在internet找一下, 很多本地airlines 例如Jetblue, Southwest, A/A等常有特平價, 但要用時間慢慢找, 為了慳 $$$, 唯有用時間搭夠.

3 )大約要坐幾多個鍾飛機 ? - 大約90分鐘 (flying time)

5 ) 過境有冇咩要特別注意 ( 有咩帶得, 有咩唔帶得 ) ? San Fran 飛至LA, 你仍在美國境內, 不需過關. (不要帶手搶 - joking only)

6 ) 係咪要著拖鞋 ( 方便過關檢查 ) ? - 由你喜歡.
希望幫到你 及玩開心D. bye
參考: Self - 20年來每年飛一次美國

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