HKMA 的 DMS Module II 8科中邊2科易D pass?

2008-11-20 8:38 am
本人將要讀DMS part II的課程, 而家唔知揀邊科好, 想問有讀過DMS的同學們幫忙講出你們的經驗, 有冇邊科係必讀(好EASY), 或有冇邊科千萬不要揀(冇乜人合格), 謝謝~

1. Human Resources Management人力資源管理
2. Change & Quality Management 改革及優質管理
3. Financial Management 財務管理
4. International Business 國際商貿
5. Marketing Management 市場管理
6. Management of Information Technology 資訊科技管理
7. Management Accounting 管理會計學
8. Business Communication 商務傳意

回答 (2)

2008-11-20 7:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
My experience, Marketing and HR Management is most easy to study because
they are no actual answer. You can say anything you like if your explain is reasonable.
參考: HKMA graduate
2008-11-20 9:47 am
Based on one of my friend's advice
Marketing Management is easy
Management Accounting is the most difficult

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