what would u do if u were me? PLEASE ANSWER!!!!! :)?

2008-11-19 11:11 am
i have a huge crush on this guy in my class..i am OBSESSED with him..
there are a couple of things i am going to do..
1. talk to him WITH friend who has spoken to him before
2. drop something when im walking in front of him and see if he picks it up
3. purposely bump into him.
which one should i do first? put them in order of which i should do first..
and which i shouldnt do at all.
also if i talk to him, the conversation is going to go like this::
my friend: hi i ask for ur name that day
he answers
she: im britney
me: and u know who i am right?
if he says no ill be like omg u dont know who i am? (sarcastic)
and ill say my name.
then i wanna ask him if there are any music stores around
because me and my friend are new to the city
theres a chance he will ask us if we want a drop to the store...
what should we say? we dont want to make it obvious that we want to go with him..



回答 (16)

2008-11-19 11:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
those sound really immature, why don't you just talk to him, all of this time your plotting all of this ridiculously stupid stuff, why don't you just start talking to him, otherwise your going to look like a bimbo! and no one wants that right? besides if you dont make your move quick it could be to late!

hope i helped,
2008-11-19 7:14 pm
Don't play games, just smile at him and say hi whenever possible. If he is interested, he will probably reciprocate.
2008-11-19 7:15 pm
Approach him and start a conversation , ask what hes doing tonight and see if he wants to hang wit u?

Or id go with your idea and drop something in front of him and iof he picks it up , start the convo

Get his number and text him? then its not as embaraasing , easier for you both to talk :)
2008-11-19 7:14 pm
i would make a question about 1/8 this length so i can get a real response.
2008-11-19 10:12 pm
u r kidding... cause i'm like omg ....u got it all worked out ..it shud'nt be a problem ...ne way ur gonna drive urself crazy only way to find out is to speak to him forget about all stuff giong on in ur head ..u cud just speak 2 him instead of planning ..and sarcasim won't help either u might think ur being funny i bet he won't ..ive been in ur place wot i done is i spoke to the person and i found i did'nt like them as much as i IMAGINED
2008-11-19 7:25 pm
My God, you've over thought this WAY to much.. whats the bet that when you finally DO talk to him, you'll find out that hes really not all you thought he was lol =].
2008-11-19 7:22 pm
I wouldn't do any of the things you wrote down here dear if i were you. being obsessed about someone is not healthy to start with. you might even drive him away and miss the only chance of at least being his friend.
you end up doing stupid things around him and nobody wants to be associated with someone like that as a friend let alone gf. do yourself a favour, drop the idea and just be a normal person who acts normally before you are labelled all sorts of horrendous things.
anyway if i had a crush on someone, which i did some time back, i'd just take my time to assess the situation. most of the times these are just passing things. and it helps to just wait for the time when they really reveal themselves to you. it saves a lot of trouble for all concerned
2008-11-19 7:21 pm
I don't get why you are trying to formulate a conversation in your head when it has so many variables. There is no way of knowing what he will say or do and if you try to then you will just get flustered when he replies in a different way. Personally if I were you then I would just approach him when he's not in class and strike up conversation with something like 'Hey, your in my class, aren't you? What do you think of (something school related)? Then agree with what he says and move the conversation in the direction that you want. I would go against getting a lift to a music shop as if he takes you, walks in, and you go to the pop section when he is into heavy metal (or visa versa) then you will put him off straight away.
2008-11-19 7:19 pm
erm. just find a chance to talk to him. dropping sth and expecting him to pick it up or purposely bumping into him will only work well if you are a good actress. if not, it will come off as really lame.
2008-11-19 7:19 pm
OBSSESION IS BAD!!! guys dont like obsessive girls especially not in highschool
relax alittle be yourself and tell joke if you can lol
tell him the flys in a bottle joke:
ok so there are 4 flys in the bottom of a bottle 3 girls one boy
the first female asks how do i get out of this bottle the boy fly says suck my d*ck and ill tell you...she thinks about it and dies at the bottom of the bottle
the second female asks the same question and he says suck my d*ck and ill tell you she contomplates it for a long while but dies at the bottom of the bottle the 3rd female asks and he says suck my d*ck and ill tell you.....

ya wanna know how to get out of the bottom of the bottle.....
suck my d*ck and ill tell you

its really funny and its simple and you can always change it a bit, soo have fun let loose dont be obssessed
2008-11-19 7:18 pm
Well Piriyanker, I would suggest taking the mature approach. Yes go and talk to him (but without your friend) and just introduce yourself. Explain you're new to the city, and would he be kind enough to show you around sometime? And that you need to find a music store. *twist fingers around hair*

If you go with your plan you will make it VERY obvious you like him!
2008-11-19 7:16 pm
well if ur a nerd i say " GOOD LUCK " but if he was also a nerd "GO FOR IT " but serious whats the worst thing that can happen he says " NO" just bump in2 him or something and have a convo aint that hard
2008-11-19 7:16 pm
rather say, Hi, my name is ....Im new in the city and wanted to ask if you know any music stores around? oh by the way, ...i like you
2008-11-19 7:14 pm
PlAY iT C00l.
2008-11-19 7:14 pm
Give him a *******!
2008-11-19 7:16 pm
1) drop something when im walking in front of him and see if he picks it up

2) talk to him WITH friend who has spoken to him before

and plz dont do 3rd it will dumb you

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