the most attractive activity in New Zealand?

2008-11-20 7:29 am
What do you think is the most attractive activity in New Zealand?

回答 (3)

2008-11-25 12:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
There are mainly two key places in New Zealand, which include Auckland its capital Wellington.

New Zeland is most famous of sunshine and beach and I highly recommend you to pend a day getting close to nature on a whale-watching day trip. You can find a variety of marine mammals there.

You can have a taste of Australian food there as well.
參考: I'm living in AUS
2008-11-20 1:39 pm
Hot Air Balloon
Wind Surfing
Sun Tanning

2008-11-20 8:24 am
Sunbathing 日光浴
Surfing 滑浪
Swimming 游泳
Peering Girls 瞥女
Hiking 行山
Feeding Lambs 餵羊

對new Zeland 無咩認識~
所以暫事咁多先orz sorry

2008-11-20 00:25:15 補充:
Peering at Girls sorry 打漏左
參考: own

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