which side I sould look in a compass?red or white?

2008-11-20 6:56 am
which side I should look in a compass?red or white?can any one tell me?

回答 (2)

2008-11-21 3:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
When you use a compass,you should make your body perpendicular to the compass since the compass always points to north.At is time,east is in your right hand side,west is in your left hand side,south is behind you.Major of compass on the marker is use red color to show the north diretion so you should look at red color when you are use the compass.當你用指南針的時侯,你應該把指南針的針直指住你的身體,而紅色應該指向外,這時侯,東方在你的右手邊,西方在你的左手邊,南方在你的後面,在市面上大部份指南針的北方也是用紅色表示的,所以當你使用指南針時應該看紅色的方向.此為北方
參考: ME我
2008-11-20 7:11 am
On my compasss, it is the red, make it point to "N", then you will know which side is North, South, East, West according to the compass.
參考: myself

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