
2008-11-20 4:45 am
因為小女子我好想快d知1個故事,所以就買左本英文版小說睇, 去到最後講bella生日去到edward的屋企慶祝,跟住bella唔小心就cut到finger, 有血流出來,edward其他的家人(吸血鬼)見到就開始想撲過去,bella又受了傷, 只能坐係度,走唔到。

回答 (7)

2008-11-21 12:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
Isabella "Bella" Swan is thrown an eighteenth birthday party by Edward Cullen, the vampire she loves, and his vampire family. While unwrapping a gift, she receives a paper cut. Jasper, although attempting a non-human diet, is overwhelmed by the scent of blood and tries to attack Bella. In an attempt to keep Bella safe from the world of vampires, Edward leaves the town of Forks. Bella becomes depressed and seeks comfort with Jacob Black, an old family friend who eases her pain over losing Edward.

2008-11-20 16:15:36 補充:
if you want to know more about go to this link
new moon----http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Moon_(novel)
breaking dawn---------http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breaking_Dawn

參考: Wikipedia
2008-11-26 7:08 am
2.New Moon
4.Breaking Dawn

你講個度係New Moon CHP 1, 個度真係幾無聊, suggest你skip左去, 跟住只係本書ge高潮!!!
參考: my experience
2008-11-24 9:10 pm
你認該係第二套, 電影版只係出第一套wo....



2008-11-23 9:56 pm
2008-11-23 1:57 am
Bella and Jacob begin spending a lot of time together, and Bella soon discovers that the rush of adrenaline present when she places herself in dangerous situations stimulates a hallucination of Edward's voice. Bella begins seeking out dangerous behavior, such as motorcycle riding, to keep Edward's voice with her. Meanwhile, Jacob finds out that he is a werewolf. Initially, he tries to keep this secret from Bella, but he eventually reveals as much as he can without betraying his pack. After Bella attempts cliff-diving, she gets caught in a riptide and is rescued by Jacob.

At the same time, Alice Cullen, Edward's vampire sister who has visions of the future, has a vision of Bella jumping off the cliff. Presuming Bella is dead, Alice rushes to Forks to check on Charlie, Bella's father, while Edward calls Bella's home. Jacob answers and informs Edward that Charlie is "at the funeral", referring to that of a man in town who had a heart attack, but Edward draws the conclusion that he means Bella's funeral. Desperate after Bella's supposed death, Edward flees to Italy to see the Volturi, peace-keeping vampires who would be able to kill Edward, granting him leave of a world without Bella.

Bella and Alice rush to Italy to stop Edward, and save him before it is too late. Before they leave Italy, the Volturi tell them that Bella, a human who knows of the existence of vampires, must either be killed or changed into a vampire herself. After they return to Forks, Edward explains to Bella that he only left in order to protect her, and she forgives him. The book ends with the Cullens voting in favor of Bella being changed into a vampire, much to Edward's dismay.
2008-11-21 3:43 pm
there is one more,Midnight Sun,is not out yet.Most of the chinse people didn't know.
2008-11-20 12:32 pm
你睇o既chapter係下一集 new moon 個chapter one. twilight個ending係edward帶bella去prom. 成個series有4本 -- twilight --> new moon --> eclipse --> breaking dawn

p.s. 快d睇埋佢啦!真係越黎越好睇!!>v<
參考: i am a twilight fan!

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