
2008-11-20 2:28 am

回答 (2)

2008-11-20 3:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
Sets on fire a man seven times to set on fire in Tuen Mun burns the telephone booth retaliation.
The Tuen Mun Police region Police send out more than ten plainclothes detectives, nearby the telecommunication full branch public telephone booth ambushes the surveillance in the area. To about 3:00 am, this man enters the telephone booth namely to lighten the flame soon, the detective step namely goes forward while the man his uniform, simultaneously obtains the foaming block glue which on his body a cigarette lighter and the fever remain, the trust is the tool which serves as sets on fire. The police investigation showed that being arrested man for friend in telecommunication full branch application surfer and fee television service, but its friend has owed paying fee since June to use, causes him to receive by this company nearly 12,000 Yuan service charges, makes him to be unsatisfactory. The police believed that he involved in the area six telephone booth arson case to concern last month.
參考: me
2008-11-20 3:51 am
A man set fire seven times in the telephone booth for vengeance in the area of Tuen Mun.
The Tuen Mun Police dispatched more than ten plainclothes detectives in the area to have the PCCW public telephone booth under surveillance.
At around 3:00 am in the morning, the booth was in flame soon after this man entered into the telephone booth. The detectives arrested the man once he stepped out the booth, a cigarette lighter and some remaining polythene/plastic sticks are found on the man. It is believed that they were the tools for setting fire.
From the police investigation, the cause was the being arrested man has applied a package of The Internet and TV service at PCCW for his friend but his friend has never settled the monthly service charges till June of this year. It led to he had to cover an amount of 12,000 dollars to his employer company. That made him very upset and angry. The police are also believed that he is also involved in the six times public telephone booth arson case last month.

收錄日期: 2021-04-19 12:48:02
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