麻煩英文高手幫我翻譯以下mail,請不要翻譯軟體翻的 ,最好可以
用英式英文 ,但沒有也沒關係 ,非常感謝!!贈予20點
So, i guess it's time for me to start using this account.
I can hold back no more! I wandered into your page and well, I liked what I saw.. ;p So um, my name is Nicolette Davis.
I think me and you should probably be friends, cause you seem pretty fun, and maybe even cute! (it's so hard to tell in this digital world :)
anyway, i'd go on all day, but I want to get an answer from you..
You should check out my other "space" on this other site, I'm usually on over there: http://www.friends-club.org/?id=2545&profile=clubbingfox (my username is clubbingfox). Then maybe we could chat
sometime!you know what they say.. appearance captures the eyes, but
personality catches the heart.. haha.. take care