委託信給銀行 (英文) 急用

2008-11-19 6:49 am
我要幫我哥取消佢ga銀行戶口, 要寫封委託信!! 比我哥簽名.. 佢受權比我代佢去取消個銀行戶口 !! 英文要點寫呀? 請問?

急用!!! 吾該晒~~!

回答 (1)

2008-11-19 5:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
19 November 2008
The Manager
XXX Bank
Dear Sir/Madam,
Re: Letter of authorization to cancel my bank account
A/C holder : Mr. XXX
A/C number:______________
I refer to the captioned matter.
I would like to authorize your bank to allow the bearer of this letter, Mr. XXX (HKI/D# xxxxxxx), to cancel the captioned bank account on bahalf of me.
Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact me at phone number XXXX XXXX.
Your kind assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated.
Yours faithfully.

(Mr. XXX)

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