睇完 Twilight Saga 同 Harry Potter, 有咩英文書好睇呢?

2008-11-19 5:57 am
好鍾意睇英文小說, 睇完 Twilight Saga 同 Harry Potter, 覺得無以為繼. 唔係太鍾意 Inkheart, Darren Shan 又有d sad, Bridget Jones, Shopaholics, Jostein Gaardner 系列睇完啦, 有咩野正野呢?

回答 (4)

2008-11-21 6:55 am
✔ 最佳答案

-stormbreaker系列, 講spy,好多action
-meg cabot寫o既全部書,係chick flick個類,幾好笑
-dan brown o既書: eg da vinci code, angel and demon, digital fortress..比較serious d,有d人會覺得悶
-the other boleyn girl 同埋其他同一個作者o既書,有d歷史原素
-你睇開shopaholic o既話不如睇埋sophie kinsella o既其他書啦, eg can you keep a secret, the undomestic goddess, remember me 都好好睇架

參考: 都好鐘意睇英文小說o既我~
2008-11-22 3:33 am
Gossip Girl
High school Musical
2008-11-20 6:52 am
High Scool Musical 1,2,3
The Golden Compass
The Chronicles of Narnia
2008-11-19 4:47 pm

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