
2008-11-19 5:22 am
12 ) Helen weighed 65 kg last year . If her weight decreases by 20% this year , what is her weight this year ?

14 ) On a certain afternoon , the temperature was 32℃ . Find the percentage change in the temperature .

16 ) Mr Chan's salary is increased by 15% to become $10350 . What was his salary before the increase ?

17 ) The number of residents in a small village has dropped by 15% since last year . If there are 221 residents the village this year , how many residents were there in the village last year ?

19 ) James had $5000 in his savings account last year . This year he has $10000 .

(a) Find the percentage change in his savings .

(b) James then takes out 40% of his savings from the account . Find the percentage change in his savings now as compared to last year .

20 ) The number of F.1 students in a certain scholl last year was 200. The number of F.1 students in the same school this year is 180 .

(a) Find the percentage hange in the number of F.1 students .

(b) The school takes in additional 10 F.1 students just after the school term begins . Find the percentage change in the number of F.1 students now as compared to last year .

Ans : 12 ) 52kg 14 ) -12.5% 16 ) $9000 17 ) 260 19 ) a ) +100% b ) +20% 20 ) a) -10% b ) -5% *** 我要列式計算 ,, thx .

回答 (2)

2008-11-19 6:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
12)Her weight

14)ERROR ??

16)Let x be his salary before the increase
x(1 15%)=10350
x =10350÷115%
x =9000
∴his salary before the increase is $9000

17)Let x be the no. of resident in the village last year
x =221÷85%
x =260
∴the no. of resident in the village last year is 260

19a)The persentage change
= (10000-5000)÷5000×100%
19b)His savings now
The percentage change in his savings now as compared to last year

記得我中一果陣應該係咁做的-0- , 希望help到你~~

第20題: 自己做啦...我要訓啦...==.==
參考: 唔知...........
2008-11-19 5:52 am

但係 14.) 原本係幾度???

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