想話人無教養, 好失禮 英文點講?

2008-11-19 2:57 am
例如唔好失禮我 又點講?

回答 (3)

2008-11-19 10:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
教養 Well educated (有教養, 好教養)
Mary is a well educated young girl.
失禮 Discourtesy
John's poor table manner is such a discourtsy to his parents.
唔好失禮我 Don't ever disgrace me. or
Don't ever lose my face (其實英語不常用lose my face這講法, instead, 通常會用 don't ever let me down).
例句: The Coach said: I am expecting you to win this ball game, don't ever let me down (or, disgrade me).

2008-11-19 14:50:44 補充:
更正, typing error:
John's poor table manner is such a discourtEsy to his parents.
參考: Own
2008-11-19 4:54 am
not educated (教養)
lost manner (失禮)

Don't lose my face. (唔好失禮我)

2008-11-19 4:12 am
1) You are so uneducated!
2) You are really mannerless!
3) You illiterate brat! ( Oral English)
4) You lack a good education and some manners.
5) You need a good education and some manners.
例如唔好失禮我 又點講?
Don't make me lose my face !


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