Gas 問題 20分!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2008-11-19 1:47 am
A piece of aluminium foil was added to some vingar.Colourless bubbles
came out and were collected in several test tubes.Test for that colourless gas
were carried out . The results were shown below.
Test for oxygen :The splint does not relight.Coloureless liquid is formed on
thetest tube.

Test for carbon dioxide:No observable change.

a)suggest a test for carbon dioxide and write down the expected result if
carbon dioxide is present.
b)What conclusion can be made from the test results?
c)The coloureless liquid formed in the test for oxygen is suspected to be
c1)suggest a test for water
c2)write down the expected result if is water.

回答 (2)

2008-11-19 2:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
answerA:Add the carbon dioxide into the Lime Water(石灰水),
it turns lime water cloudy when carbon dioxide

answerB:this gas is not carbon dioxide and formed water with oxide
it expected hydrogen

answerC(1):Add water on Cobaltous Chloride paper(氯化鈷試紙)
............(2):Color change from blue to red when it add water
2008-11-19 3:56 am
a) Add the gas into lime water.
It turns the lime water milky if it is carbon dioxide.

b)The gas give out is neither oxygen nor carbon dioxide. The vinegar is combined by hydrogen so the gas is oxygen.

c)1)Add water to cobalt(II) chloride paper
2)the paper turns blue to pink if it is water.
參考: My chemstry knowledge

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:15:09
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