我很怕冷, 我好怕凍 英文怎麼說?

2008-11-19 1:33 am
i am afraid of cold weather?

回答 (4)

2008-11-19 8:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I scare the cold weather????????@_@
How does a person scare the cold weather?
With what?
I am scared of the cold weather. You are scared of it.
It is not " you scare it.".
1) He scared his sister with a dead rat.
2) His sister was scared by the dead rat.
3) I think ( that) my mom is going to die.
I am so scared now.

I am sick and tired of the cold weather.
I am sick of the cold weather.
I hate the cold.
I cannot take the cold. ( " cold" refers to the cold weather too.)
Here is a link for you.

cold weather: He can't take the cold.
I hate the cold weather.
I do not like the cold weather.
I dislike the cold weather.
The cold weather drives me nuts.
It is correct to say " I am afraid of the cold weather./ I am afraid of cold weather.".
Hope that helps.
2008-11-20 1:11 am
我很怕冷, 我好怕凍 英文怎麼說?
1) I hate winter - 一句己代表你很怕冷, 又好怕凍, 極之不喜歡冬天.
2) I afraid and scare of cold very much - 較具體. 但, 試想你和熟朋友傾計, 你會選那一句?
參考: Own
2008-11-19 2:05 pm
hi... I guess u just go to a new place for studying or living. absolutely u can say it.
normally in USA, ppls say .... I scare the cold weather. or ... I am sick of the cold weather. or .... I hate the cold weather.
actually say it ... as simple as possible, it would be ok. takecare!
參考: living in USA
2008-11-19 1:55 am
我很怕冷的英文應該讀---->I'm afraid to clod.....................................
不過,你說i am afraid of cold weather都ok ga

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