hku space 的finance(hd)問題~急急急!!!!!!

2008-11-19 1:12 am
請教各方高人解答本人心中的question,VERY THX
(1)hku space 的finance(hd)好唔好的?
(2)如果hku space唔好,邊間大學的space finance(hd)最好?
(3)讀完後(三年制的hd),如成績好好,真係可以入local u year 2 or year 1??
(4)hku space同lse合辦的協議,真的可以去uk lse 讀degree??
(5)讀完3年hd 升local u,這條路好唔好行?(本人冇考al,可能冇咁好.)
(6)冇考al,如真的好想入local u,係唔係only 呢條路?
(7)讀完後(三年制的hd),如成績好好,到oversea,邊到地讀finance 最好(易入的)??uk/aust/usa???
very very....(10millons) thank!

回答 (2)

2008-11-19 2:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
HI let me explain to you

1. hkuspace Diploma and HD also good

2. honestly business Diploma , all the institute also teaching the same subjects.

3. After you finished 3 year HD, it really hard to continue in Local University, and you also need to know Hong Kong is changing to 3-3-4 , 4 years University, diploma or HD.......

4. this cant be 100% sure, X U also with one of the University call Oxxx before , also terminate the degree course in the mid way.....

5. if you want to get a Degree, get a Full certificate is much better which mean form year 1 till graduate.

6. No

7. I will prefer U.S.A. as they are the same as Hong Kong in the future 4 years University.

If you want to know more information, feel free to leave me a msg, cheers


除了本地大學有提供工商管理學位課程外,美國上愛荷華大學 ( Upper Iowa University,簡稱UIU ) 亦在港開辦工商管理專業學位課程。完成心理學專業學位課程的同學,可繼續升讀碩士課程,UIU於1857年創校,其學士學位課程共提供7個主修科目選擇,包括會計學、管理學、財務學、心理學、市場學、電腦科學及資訊系統管理學。各項課程已獲香港教統局審批註冊,並取得美國高等教育委員會官方認可資格。課程採用甚具彈性的學分制,分別設有日間和夜間課程。學員只須修畢120個學分並達到成績標準便可畢業,學生亦可利用寒假及暑假時間照常上課,藉此縮短修讀的時間,最快可於兩年完成。


有興趣Email我 [email protected]
同你傾傾, 希望幫到你
2008-11-20 8:00 pm
why not try OUHK 銀行及財務學榮譽工商管理學士 (BBAHBF07) which is no entry requirement and it is a local degree and accept by HK Government

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