[英文] 你可不可以不要成日煩住我? 英文點講?

2008-11-18 1:34 pm
你可不可以不要成日煩住我? 英文點講?
Could you not to bother me all the time? 岩唔岩?有冇更好的講法?

回答 (8)

2008-11-18 7:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Hello there,
Let's take a look at the modal verb " COULD".
When we use it in a question , it shows a kind of circumlocutory tone 婉轉語氣 and politeness in a way.
When you want to ask this question, I bet you are quite annoyed 惱怒的.
In this case, I suggest that you'd change your tone.
A: GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!! Turn it down!!!
Can't you see I am busy working now?
B: Come on, this song is nice.
A: Can't you leave me alone huh?
( You are so angry now. I do NOT think you should say this politely like" Would you leave me alone?".)

B: Whaever!
Could you not to bother me all the time? 岩唔岩?有冇更好的講法?
It is wrong to use " to" there because " could" is a modal verb and
the subject is " you". ( Modal verb subject to) is against the rules of English grammar.
Allow me to help you change the tone and correct your grammatical mistake here.
Can you not bother me all the time?<-----------
Here are my suggested sentences:
1) Can't you stop bugging me all the time ?
" stop bugging" ------------------------------verb+ verb+ ing
2) Quit bothering me all the time!( To show someone you are very annoyed, but it is not a question tho)
" quit bothering"---------------------------verb +verb+ ing
3) Stop bothering me/bugging me all the time!( same as above)
4) Can you NOT bug/bother me all the time?
Note: I did not use " to " there. It is wrong to do so.
5) Can't you stop bothering me all the time for god's sake?( Stronger tone語氣 here)
English is a beautiful language full of tones and intonations.I guess you will have to
hang out with some native English speakers or watch more English flickers in order to get to know what I mean.

Good luck with your studies.
Until then, see you around.

2008-11-18 12:40:18 補充:
B: Whatever!<---------------A typo here Thanks for choosing my answer, pal.
2008-11-18 5:50 pm
Will you please stop bothering me all the time?
Would you stay out of my sight?
參考: self
2008-11-18 5:06 pm
Please leave me alone!
2008-11-18 4:37 pm
Could you stop bugging me?
Could you stop pestering me?
Could you stop annoying me?
.............. bother ...?

Really casual,
Bugger off!
2008-11-18 3:08 pm
Would you please don't bother me all the time?
參考: myself
2008-11-18 2:19 pm
Can you please stop bothering me all the time.(有禮貌d)
Don't keep bothering me.(冇禮貌d)

Hope this help!
參考: myself
2008-11-18 2:17 pm

Could you not to bother me all the time? 唔岩,because of wrong grammar.
We use could in this way: subject could verb, not subject could to verb.


You have to say:
Could you not bother me all the time? 至啱。


Some better ways of saying it are:
-Could you stop bothering me all the time?攪住我
-Could you stop troubling me all the time?煩住我
-Could you stop annoying me all the time?-攪嬲我(嚴重啲)
參考: own
2008-11-18 2:11 pm
Can you stop bothering me?!
參考: me

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