
2008-11-18 12:54 pm
如果我0係Scarborough去Manchester Aiport, 會唔會因為去機場就唔會有e個優惠?

回答 (2)

2008-11-22 1:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如果你想平D, 若然你一年內有幾次坐火車, 你可以買張network rail card,

呢張咭係一年有較期, 你每次買火車票都會平, 都算平幾多咖! 但每次

你既火車票價不能低過十磅, 要十磅以上先可以用, 平成三分一, 就算你

全家人一齊去, 每張票都有得平, 好抵咖! 如果你一年之內, 坐兩次長途

火車, 都賺番晒啦...! network rail card 20pounds 一張, 你自己計下抵唔抵?
2008-11-22 1:06 pm
i m sure if u buy the ticket earlier it will be cheaper, but i am not sure if you have a discount or not with your destination as the airport. hope this helps. :)
參考: me

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