求 : 急...英文求職信.

2008-11-18 9:17 am


本人十一月十一日在 貴公司網頁上得悉 貴機構部門聘請售貨員,故特來函應徵。
本人現在為中六學生,是半工讀學生,應屆中五畢業生。在xxxxxxxx學校修讀。懂一般電腦文書處理Word﹑Excel﹑Powerpoint;語言流利廣東話﹑普通話﹑略懂英語。此外,亦積極參與校內學生會活動和義工。倘若有機會加入 貴機構部門行列,定必盡力工作。


回答 (8)

2008-11-18 8:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Sirs:

I am on November 11 in your page that your organization engaging salesman, the special recruitment letter.
I am now in the six students, is part-time students, Secondary Five graduates. Xxxxxxxx study in the school. Understand the general word processing Word ﹑ Excel ﹑ Powerpoint; language fluent Cantonese Mandarin ﹑ ﹑ knows English. In addition, students will also actively participate in school activities and volunteers. If your organization have the opportunity to join the ranks of the department, shall do our best work.
Herewith a copy of proof of academic qualifications and a resume, ask to view and the Greek gift of the written test and interview opportunities.

xxx on
November 17, 2008
2008-11-21 4:04 am

全職/兼職 助理文員

- 18歲以上, 中五程度
- 略懂英語
- 無需工作經驗, 全職者需3年以上工作經驗
- 負責一般辦公室工作

兼職者一星期工作2-3天, $3000-4000不等 - 於九龍區分公司工作
全職者視乎工作經驗 - 於香港區公司工作

有意請將履歷(包括姓名,電話)發至[email protected]

We are a US export/import company, we have 2 branch office in HK.

Full Time / Part Time Clerical Assistant

- age 18 or above; F. 5
- simple English
- experience unnecessary for part-time/ 3 years or above working experience for full time
- respon for gerenal clerical work

PART-TIME: 10:00 - 16:00; 2-3 days/week; $3000-4000; work in Kowloon side
FULL-TIME: 5.5 days/week; salary depend on working experience; work in HK side

Please send full resume to [email protected] if you are interest. Thanks
2008-11-20 11:26 pm

本人十一月十一日在 貴公司網頁上得悉 貴機構部門聘請售貨員,故特來函應徵。
本人現在為中六學生,是半工讀學生,應屆中五畢業生。在xxxxxxxx學校修讀。懂一般電腦文書處理Word﹑Excel﹑Powerpoint;語言流利廣東話﹑普通話﹑略懂英語。此外,亦積極參與校內學生會活動和義工。倘若有機會加入 貴機構部門行列,定必盡力工作。

Respected one Taiwan︰

Myself in November the month on 11th on your firm homepage learned about that the expensive organization department invites the sales clerk, therefore the special incoming letter is subject to duty.
Myself now for the six students, partly work part-time and study part-time the student, graduating five graduates. Studies in xxxxxxxx school. Understands the common computer copy clerk to process Word ﹑ Excel ﹑ Powerpoint; The language fluent Cantonese ﹑ standard spoken Chinese ﹑ slightly understands English. In addition, also positively participates in the school the student association activity and the voluntary worker. If has the opportunity to join the expensive organization department ranks, decides must work with every effort.
With the letter the enclosed personal history form and the school record attested copy, adjuration reading, and Greece grants the written examination and the interview opportunity.

on xxx in November, 2008 month on 17th
2008-11-19 10:21 am

因正拓展海外市場, 需要大量人手

現社會各行各業也受金融海嘯影響, 如果你願意多睇一個工作機會的話
今個星期四(20/11)晚上七時半 將舉行招聘活動

有意出席者 因大會要預先登記才可出席
如未能抽空出席但有意了解本公司者, 本公司亦會安排獨立面試
請pm留低聯絡方法及姓名登記 或致電64051341 馮先生
或e-mail to [email protected]

P.S. 如想清楚了解本公司的業務、業績及工作性質, 請盡快與本人聯絡把握這個機會
2008-11-18 8:04 pm
Company Name (公司名)
Company Address (公司地址)

Date : xx/xx/xxxx

Dear sirs,

Re. : Apply the Job - Sales

I found the advertising from your company's website that your company recurit sales. I am interesting in this post and would like to apply.

I am a part time student studying in xxxxxxxx (學校名) of F.6. I am enthusiastic in school and voluntary activities. My knowledge in computer is sufficient, e.g. Word, Excel, Powerpoint. I can speak Cantonese , Putonghua and also English.

If I have the opportunity to join your company, I will try my best to work with my colleagues. Attached with my resume, and I am looking forward to hear from your company.

Thank you for your kindly attention.

Yours faithfully,

(Name of the Applicant)
2008-11-18 7:24 pm
本公司的業績不斷起飛,現在聘請一些有夢想 ,希望自己將來人生可以更加精彩
學歷中五或以上 經驗不拘 只要肯努力,肯學,肯做有上進心有責任感 年滿18歲或以上
Part time 2至3晚可賺取 $3000 - $4000
Full time 可賺取1萬以上
有良好進升機會, 公司會定期提供本地或海外培訓
有意者可E-MAIL [email protected]
公司網址填寫個人資料 http://www.yourhealthyshape.com/angie
2008-11-18 7:09 pm
依家市道低迷 , 想搵多個額外收入?
Top Start 大量招募 兼職/全職 sales and marketing
時間彈性 , 每星期2-5日工作
薪金約$3000-$1 0000 以上
工作性質: 推廣 , 跟進客戶服務及拓展市場
提供本地及海外訓練 , 福利好 , 良好的晉升機會

要求: 中五學歷 , 18歲以上人士
有上進心 , 不怕辛苦 及有責任感
如有興趣請電:6170 6620 (陳小姐)
或send e-mail比我留低你的履歷及聯絡電話
[email protected]
2008-11-18 9:21 am
公司 :Succesystem
地址 :尖沙咀
性質 :客戶服務
職位空缺 : 客戶服務員
要求 :操流利廣東話 , 性格開朗 ,
外向及有良好溝通技巧 ,
主動 , 積極 及 好學
學歷 :年滿18歲 , 中五畢業或以上
公司網址: Http://succesystem.com/vip

有意應徵者可致電64384139聯絡Keith Kwan
[email protected]

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