有冇人打算2009年去澳洲perth study?

2008-11-18 8:42 am
另外想body check 要check d乜野?

回答 (4)

2008-11-18 1:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
body check 都係要你度高, 磅重, 驗眼, 驗尿等等簡單既野

如果你喺 perth 冇人冇物, 一開始當然係住 home stay 好d 啦

一定可以學到英文, 又有人可以 take care 你

不過到你識到d 同學, 就會搬出去住架喇,

因為當你熟悉左嗰到既環境之後, 你就會知道住 home stay 係貴過你自己出去住幾多, 同埋 home stay 通常都唔近你返學既地方, 如果遇著d
home stay 唔好, 會有好多限制, 唔俾你哩樣唔俾你嗰樣咁, 9 點就要你熄燈訓覺.
不過如果你好彩遇著一戶好人家, 咁就開心喇, 我有個朋友個 home stay 真係好好, 當佢係女一樣, 去旅行都帶埋佢去, 佢d 仔女又當佢係妹妹咁, 好似一家人咁

home stay 哩d 就真係要睇你好唔好彩喇!!
good luck !!
參考: myself
2008-12-02 5:25 am
good... if u study business as

Curtin is one of the Top 100 global business schools (ranks 94) ...

The research is from the magazine "The Economist"

2008-11-29 1:47 am
I will go to Perth in 2009 also...
But still haven't do the body check...
What are you going to study??
Foundation or??
2008-11-19 5:51 am
i am going to study in Curtin uni. , you lei ?

2008-11-20 22:57:27 補充:
after i did the body checked, it took about 3 days to get the visa !!!
blood testing ? did you have a tattoo ??otherwise , i dont think you have to undergo the blood testing !!!

2008-11-20 23:06:10 補充:
and yea , may see you around in curtin !!!!

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