gravitational force 關於土星及其衛星ring(20分)

2008-11-18 7:52 am
土星與其衛星ring有gravitational forces acting on them
求衛星ring的linear speed(v)與跟土星的距離(r)的relations
suppose that
(1)the ring is rigid body,
(2)the ring is a group of satellites

A.v is directly proportional to rˉˉv is inversely proportional to r
B.v is directly proportional to rˉˉv is inversely proportional to √r
C.v is directly proportional to √rˉv is inversely proportional to r
D.v is directly proportional to √rˉv is inversely proportional to √r

其實我最最最想知的是情況(1)同(2)的分別... 因為我根本唔知有何分別=.=


點解第(1)有constant angular speed? 第(2)點解要用In計?有冇其他方法? 始終都係唔明(1)同(2)的分別 煩請再講述一下

回答 (2)

2008-11-18 8:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Assume Newtonian Gravity apply
Case (1 )- The ring is a rigid body

The orbit should be circular, therefore v = Circumference / Period
V = 2πr /T
v is directly proportional to r

Case (2) – The ring is a group of satellites
Consider the group is a lump mass system of mass = m
F = ma = m dv/dt = - GMm/r^2
a = dv/dt = -GM/r^2
dv/dt = dv/dr․dr/dt = -GM/r^2
dv/dr ․ v = -GM/r^2
v․dv = -GM/r^2 dr
∫v․dv = ∫-GM/r^2 dr
1/2v^2 = GM/r + c
The above equation also indicate the conservation of energy
1/2 mv^2 – GMm/r = constant

v inversely proportional to √r
Therefore the answer is (b)

2008-11-18 14:43:11 補充:
The orbit of case (2) need "not" be circular

2008-11-18 22:26:33 補充:
The major difference = the effects of gravitational force
(1) motion not affected by gravitational field and become uniform circular motion. The gravitation force on that ring was balanced due to its symmetry about the planet
The centrifugal force F = m a = m v^2/r

2008-11-18 22:28:06 補充:
But how can the acceleration be rewritten in terms of the r and the period, T, i.e. the time required to go around once?
The period can be related to the speed as follows:
v = circumference / T
= 2πr/T
Substituting into the equation a= m v^2/r gives
a = (4π^2r)/(T^2)

2008-11-18 22:31:58 補充:
(2) non-uniform circular motion affected by the gravitational force.
you may think the above equation (1/2 mv^2 – GMm/r = constant) be simplify to
Total Energy = Kinetic Energy + Gravitational Potential Energy = Const
Gravitational force between 2 bodies
F = GMm / r^2

2008-11-18 22:32:27 補充:
and the potential energy of the mass
P = mgh = mgr
Since (mg) also equal to GMm / r^2
Therefore, the Gravitational Potential Energy = r ․GMm / r^2 = GMm/r

Total Energy = Kinetic Energy + Gravitational Potential Energy = Constant
Total Energy = 1/2 mv^2 – GMm/r = constant

2008-11-18 22:33:07 補充:
Therefore, v ^2 is proportional to 1/r
v is proportional to 1/ √r
2008-11-18 8:29 am
Ans, A
(1) v = rw
(2) v = (ar)^1/2

Actually, I am not sure on question (2), the ring is a group of satellites. Is it mean there are several satellites!?
參考: Text book

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