
2008-11-18 7:26 am
我在公司聽同事是讀"not"將尾音"t"變為"s"的類似讀音,請問究竟是怎樣讀的?令到我將1 nos.和1 lot.的unit常混淆了,2者的單位相差好遠啊~

回答 (4)

2008-11-18 7:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
no matter "numbers" or "nos", it should still read it as "numbers". "nos" is just the short form of "numbers" in writing.

Just like the word "etc" is the short form of "et cetera" which means "so on". But you will not read it as the letter "E" and "T" and "C", you will read it as the original word "et cetera".
參考: myself
2008-11-18 1:26 pm

2008-11-18 05:27:04 補充:
2008-11-18 10:17 am
Since that "nos" is just the short form of "numbers", therefore it should still be pronounced as number.

This is similar to "pt" as a short form of "point", but still be pronounced as Point and "Mr." is the short form of "mister" and you still be pronounced as Mister.

Hope this helps.
2008-11-18 8:15 am
參考: 我

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