
2008-11-18 6:40 am
who can tell me ? tomorrow i need to hand my english
homework ..plx use english ....thx all

回答 (1)

2008-11-18 9:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
Many would blame the empty-headed message pumped out by magazines and television. Others might say the permatanned WAGs have a lot to answer for.

But the truth probably lies somewhere closer to home.'I first fell in love with designer things when I started playing dress up with Mummy's quilted Chanel bag,' says Scarlett. 'I just loved the feel and the look of it. I got my own Marc Jacobs bag (around 5,000) when I was 12 and my friends were like: "Oh my God! That is so fabulous!"
They all knew what it was, immediately. 'I love my designer bags and shoes with a passion - they are like my babies. My most expensive item of clothing is probably a 650 Pucci jacket from Harrods. But I have worn it for years!
I mix and match my really expensive designer items with High Street shops, such as Topshop and Urban Outfitters, to create a really eye-catching and individual look.'

But should any parent be encouraging - or indeed allowing - their child access to such a wildly extravagant lifestyle? A disturbing
survey this week suggests that the younger girls are when exposed to modern excesses, the more troubled they become.

In a survey of 150,000 children, half of the girls admitted that by the age of 14, their figures were their greatest worry. It also showed that children as young as ten suffer from eating disorders and that almost all the girls questioned were obsessed with fashion magazines and airbrushed celebrities.
It is the fashion trend, their friends,ads on TV or magazines .
In a word, they just want to stand out.


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