Sound ge問題

2008-11-18 6:09 am
1.Can we hear the sound from a bell inside a vacuum jar??

2.Is speed of sound faster in solid than liquid??

請詳細解釋~ 唔該

回答 (2)

2008-11-18 10:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. No, transmission of sound requires a medium, within which constituent particles collide one by one in an array.
In other words, sound (or sound wave) must be produced through a certain medium.
Otherwise, in vacuum, sound cannot be produced. Hence, we cannot hear the bell ring.
2. The speed in solid is faster.
The speed of sound depends on the density of a medium.
In solid, being higher density than liquid, its molecules undergo collision at a higher frequency.
Thus, sound wave is transmitted more efficiently (higher speed) in solid.
2008-11-19 2:48 am
參考: 我

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