
2008-11-18 4:37 am

回答 (4)

2008-11-21 7:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The main reason for global inflation staying high is that the United States has combated the financial problems such as that of second mortgage by means of cutting increase rates again and again. This led all the commodity prices to rise rapidly and prompted the inflation to stay at elevated levels. As reflected by the interest rates futures, it is forecast that the United States would increase interest rates next year at the soonest and by then the inflation will most likely lower considerably.
What the Hong Kong SAR government can do are just short-term expedients that can hardly get rid of inflation but only help relieve as far as possible the citizens being tortured by the condition.

http://www.nciku.com/search/en/detail/at (the) soonest/1304785
at the soonest 最快



expedient 權宜之計


2008-11-21 19:47:42 補充:
Correction: increase rates => interest rates

combated the financial problems such as that of second mortgage by means of cutting INTEREST rates again and again.

2008-11-22 01:00:54 補充:

As INDICATED by the interest rates futures, ... inflation CAN BE EXPECTED TO lower considerably.

2008-11-22 20:01:34 補充:
「治標不治本」= cure the cause

(Point 5)

Amendment as follows:

What the Hong Kong SAR government can do are just short-term expedients that fail to CURE THE CAUSE of the problem. Those meausres can hardly get rid of inflation ...

2008-11-22 20:02:33 補充:

「治標不治本」= FAIL TO cure the cause

2008-11-22 20:07:09 補充:
spelling mistake:

Those meausres => Those MEASURES
2008-11-28 2:50 am
美國的[次按] is subprime mortgage-A mortgage granted to a borrower considered subprime, that is, a person with a less-than-perfect credit report.
2008-11-22 5:13 am
The global bloating inches higher, the primary cause is the US for the resistance time according to and so on financial questions, but cuts rate unceasingly, thus the stimulation commodity price dramatic rise, causes the bloating to stay at a high level. Demonstrated according to the interest rate stock that the US must only then meet the interest on futures most quickly to next year, the bloating side hopes to recede largely. The special zone government could do was only“not goings to the roots of the problem” contends with the measure - bloating not to be able to suppress, only could help with every effort the suffering resident.
2008-11-18 9:29 pm
Global inflation is running high, the United States is the main reason for the confrontation, and other times by financial problems and continue to cut interest rates, in turn, stimulates soaring commodity prices led to high inflation. According to the interest rate futures show that the United States at least until next year to raise interest rates, inflation is expected to fall sharply. Government can do only "piecemeal" measures against the measure - in the fight against inflation can not only make every effort to help the suffering people.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:01:27
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