
2008-11-18 2:30 am
1. May has $66 and Joe has $10.5. If May gives some of her money to Joe,
the amount May has will be 2 times that Joe's. How much doesMay give to Joe?

2.There is a pile of candies which can be evenly distributed to 28 childen. If the number of candies increases by 8 ,and the number of children decreases by 5,
then each child will get 1 more candy. How many candies are there in the pile?

3.The selling price of a standard ticket for a football match is $800, while that for aVIP ticket is $1500. The number of standard tickets is 650 more than 15 times of number of VIP tickets.If all the tickets are sold, the total income will be$7945000

3(a)Find the number of VIP tickets

3(b)Find the number of standard tickets

3(c)Since the sales of tickets are not as good as expected, the organizer plans to give 1200 unsold standard tickets and some unsold VIP tickets to charities free of charge.If the income of the match decreases by$1140000 because of this, find the number of free VIP tickets

回答 (2)

2008-11-18 3:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.Let quantity that May gives = x.
66 - x = 2(10.5 + x)
66 -x = 21 + 2x
66 -21 = 3x
x = 45/3 = 15.
Let no. of candies = x.
each children gets = x/28.
(x + 8)/(28 -5) = x/28 + 1
(x+8)/23 = x/28 + 1
28(x + 8) = 23x + (23)(28)
28x + (8)(28) = 23x + (23)(28)
5x = (28)(23 -8) = (28)(15)
x = 3(28) = 84.
Let no. of VIP tickets = x.
No. of standard tickets = y.
y - 650 = 15x.............(1)
800y + 1500x = 7945000...........(2)
Sub (1) into (2)
800(15x + 650) + 1500x = 7945000
8(15x - 650) + 15x = 79450
135x = 79450 - 5200 = 74250
x = 550.
so y= 15x + 650 = 8900.
Let free VIP tickets = V.
1200(800) + 1500V = 1140000
12(800) + 15V = 11400
15V = 11400 - 9600 = 1800
V = 120.
2008-11-18 4:14 am
1. Let x be the number of amount that may gave Joe.

66-x = (x+10.5)*2

66-x = 2x+21

66-21 = 2x+x

45 = 3x

x = 15

Therefore, the amount that may gave joe is $15.


a) Let s be the number of standard ticket.
Let v be the number of VIP ticket.

s = 15v + 650

$(800s+1500v) = $7945000
800(15v+650)+1500v = 7945000
12000v+520000+1500v = 7945000
13500v+520000 = 7945000
135000v = 7945000-520000
135000v = 7425000
v = 7425000/135000
v = 55

Therefore, the number of VIP tickets is 55.

b) As v=55,

s = 15v+650
s = 15*55+650
s = 1475

Therefore, the number of standard tickets is 1475.

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