low price dog breeders in vancouver lower mainland?

2008-11-17 1:15 am
because too expensive to buy one in pet store, any low price breeders in vancouver? I am looking for an old english sheepdog or a labrador retriever~~~~~~~

回答 (7)

2008-11-17 1:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
Labradors are a dime a dozen at any humane society. Olde English Sheepdogs, too, are very easy to find.

The only low priced breeder you're going to find for any breed, BYBs. That's backyard breeder. And NEVER buy your puppies from pet stores. Ever.

If you're looking for a cheap dog, then go to a humane society. A low priced low quality breeder is going to cost you more in the long run.
2008-11-17 1:19 am
There is no such thing as a low price breeder that has quality dogs to sell. Try adopting a dog from a shelter or rescue group.
2008-11-17 1:18 am
If you bargain shop for a dog you will absolutely regret it. Dogs aren't cars or ipods, you find a great breeder and pay what the market dictates.

If you are looking for a deal you will likely end up with a dog with genetic health and temperament problems.
2008-11-17 1:22 am
You generally get what you pay for. If you cut costs and get a poorly bred dog you will pay much more in vet bills over the lifetime of the dog. There are many labs in shelters, so you may want to check there.
2008-11-17 1:20 am
If you are buying a dog on price only you won't get a good quality dog and you are likely to spend a lot more in vet fees than the purchase price of the dog. Don't buy from a pet store or a back yard breeder.
Save your money until you can afford a well bred dog from a code of ethics breeder who health tests their dogs.

These two breeds are not at all similar so best you research both breeds and decide which is for you.
2016-05-30 5:36 am
If you have half a brain you will not take pres' advice. I can guarantee you she never got a dog from a legitimate breed like that or anything else for that matter. If you aren't willing to pay for a properly bred animal turn to petfinder. Reputable breeders do not haggle. that grand won't even begin to make up for the money he has invested in this breed and this particular litter. If you had done some research before hand you would not most often this is average price for a well bred yorkie. There are breeders out there who charge less but you have to be willing to bust *** to go through the breed club national and local to find one.
2008-11-19 8:18 pm
Liu J, I like the look of a old english sheepdog. They are so cute.

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