
2008-11-17 6:32 am

1.don't make any noise _ you'll be punished.

* OR

2.bring an umbralla;_ you'll be get wet.



回答 (2)

2008-11-17 7:56 am

They are two different words here.
" Or" is used as a conjunction in your sentence and
" otherwise " is an adverb.
What is a conjunction?
You use a co-ordinating conjunction ("and," "but," "or," "nor," "for," "so," or "yet") to join individual words, phrases, and independent clauses. Note that you can also use the conjunctions "but" and "for" as prepositions.

1. Don't make any noise OR you'll be punished.( to show a bad result here)
Note: There are three mistakes in your second sentence.

1) umbrella <------------
2) you will get wet<---------------------
3) Bring<-----------------use a capital letter "B"


2008-11-17 14:10:00 補充:


2008-11-17 14:12:21 補充:
or後面係咪可以同前面唔同tense ( Usually we use the same tense)

但係and後面同前面一定要一樣?? ( similar sentences or they are related)

2008-11-17 14:13:36 補充:
I love you and I love your family. <-----------------------An example for you.

2008-11-17 14:14:44 補充:
You may ask your father for help OR you may try to figure it out by yourself. ( both present tense)

2008-11-17 14:21:30 補充:
I am not sure if he has finished it.

I guess he is working on it OR he has already finished it. ( two different tenses here)********
2008-11-17 6:57 am
First you have to know the POS( Part of Speech)s of two words
OR: conjunction
Otherwise: Adj

Conjunctin- 連接詞
Adv- 副詞

Base on Grammar, the contituent before Conjunction should be in the same Pharse level. 簡單D講 前面個個片語,子句,句子 要跟Or 後面ge 係相等
VP or VP
NP or NP
Cl or Cl

Adv 就唔同
VP adj VP ge 情況出現
adv Cl
Otherwise, i will kill you
Cl adv
I will kill you eventually
NP aux Adv Adj
It is very good
NP VP adv
I run fast
otherwise you will get wet.呢度係第二句黎
bring you umbralla or get wet


2008-11-16 23:02:09 補充:
sorry 上面係ADV 唔係ADJ 打錯左

2008-11-16 23:05:23 補充:
cl or cl
參考: own, own, own

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