
2008-11-17 5:10 am
1. He worked to improve its miserable conditions and insisted that patients (be given) the opportunity to work outdoors.
我唔係好明白( )的字, 即是點解要用be given?

2. Some of the people (invited) to her party did not come.
這一句都冇在invite前加上be的, 又點解一句有,一句冇?

3. A cave (being built) in Hong Kong, broke down this Sunday.
點解要用being built, 用building得唔得呢?

既然 Some of the people invited to her party did not come. 呢句我改成咁: He worked to improve its miserable conditions and insisted that patients (given) the opportunity to work outdoors. 呢句改成咁得唔得? 兩句都只是差不多 >對嗎


我之所以咁改, 因為2句依家都變了passive voice, 請話比我知我咁改, 是對定錯

回答 (2)

2008-11-17 7:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. He worked to improve its miserable conditions and insisted that patients (be given) the opportunity to work outdoors.

只寫 given 不可以,因為 given 只是 past participle (過去分詞),按句子結構,前面還須一個 verb to be,可以是 should be given 或 be given,be given 是表示說話人意志或意愿的語法,因為前面有 insist 這個表示意志的動詞,所以這處可以用表示意志的 be given,這同時是文法 subjunctive mood 的其中一個用法。

2. Some of the people (invited) to her party did not come.
這一句都冇在invite前加上be的, 又點解一句有,一句冇?

some of the people invited to her party 這不是一句句子,所以不須要一個 verb to be,這是一個 noun phrase,invited to her party 在這處的功能是擔當形容詞詞組,修飾 some of the people,指出是那一班人,即是被邀請去她的派對的那一班人。

3. A cave (being built) in Hong Kong, broke down this Sunday.
點解要用being built, 用building得唔得呢?

這處用 building 一定錯,因為要用被動語態,至於用 built 或是 being built 就有分別,a cave built in Hong Kong 表示那個 cave 已經建成,而 a cave being built in Hong Kong 就表示正在興建,還未完成。

2008-11-17 11:30:53 補充:
更正 :
1. ..... 這同時是文法 subjunctive mood 的其中一個用法。
不是 subjunctive mood,應該是 imperative mood 使役或命令語法。

2008-11-17 22:40:09 補充:
He worked to improve its miserable conditions and insisted that patients (given) the opportunity to work outdoors. 呢句改成咁得唔得?

因為2句依家都變了passive voice,
請話比我知我咁改, 是對定錯

2008-11-17 22:47:28 補充:
這兩句當然要用被動語態,但上面已說過還要視乎是否用於一句句子中,來決定是否需要一個 verb to be.

given 當然是被動語態,但 insisted that 後面需要的是一句完整句子,即是 patients should be given (be given) the opportunity to work outdoors,所以擔當 verb to be 部份的 should be 或 be (given) 就不能省掉。

2008-11-17 22:48:04 補充:
而 some of the people invited to her party 中的 invited 當然也是被動語態,但因為它在這處的形式是名詞詞組,所以這處的 invited 不需要一個 verb to be,結構上面已說過,some of the people invited to her party 是一個名詞詞組,是 did not come 這句子的主語 (subject).

2008-11-17 22:48:31 補充:
這句如換另一個表達方式,如:some of the people that someone (she) had invited to her party did not come. 這時 invited 就需要一個 " had " ,因為 that 後面需要一句完整句子,即是 someone (she) had invited to her party 這句完整句子,

2008-11-17 22:48:37 補充:
只不過在這處 invited 的 object (=some of the people) 前置了放在 that 修飾句的前面,而這時 some of the people that someone (she) had invited to her party 全句就是 did not come 的主語 (subject).
2008-11-17 6:47 am
1. He worked to improve its miserable conditions and insisted that patients (be given) the opportunity to work outdoors.
我唔係好明白( )的字, 即是點解要用be given?
and insisted that patients ( should) be given<------- passive voice
For some verbs, we use them this way.
One more example for you.

Suggest( v)
I suggest that you ( should) look it up in the dictionry. " Should" is in the sentence, but sometimes we just don't use it as it is optional.

2. Some of the people (invited) to her party did not come.
這一句都冇在invite前加上be的, 又點解一句有,一句冇?
Some of the people (invited) to her party= Some of the people who have been invited <--------- passive voice too
It is because the modal verb " should" is not supposed to be in this sentence.

3. A cave (being built) in Hong Kong, broke down this Sunday.
點解要用being built, 用building得唔得呢?
A cave which is being built.( passive voice here)
It would be wrong if you used " A cave building in Hong Kong( active voice).
A cave being built in Hong Kong<------ It is a kind of simplified sentence structure.

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