
2008-11-17 4:11 am

a) Hi!

b) Can I join? (@_@)

c) What are you talking about? (I really said those words once and the two guys then stared at me for 2 seconds. @_@!)


回答 (3)

2008-11-18 12:24 am
If the guys are chatting at the same table you are sitting (because 和我不太熟的朋友, means you know them), I think you are free to join them although you're not close friends of them.
When you've heard one of the topics you are familiar with, you may start with: Hey guys, I think I can give you a good answer about that.....
參考: Own
2008-11-17 7:03 am

You may say something like:
Excuse me, guys/folks.
How are you guys doing? What is the interesting topic?
May I join you?

2008-11-17 5:58 am
Good morning,/Good afternoon,(類似e d啦)
may I join your chat?/I am interested that what are you talking about?/
Can you please tell what are you talking about?/
Can you please invite me to your chat?

希望幫到你~~~ ^^
參考: 我

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