有關reinforcement 問題 (假如2T8-3-200FF)

2008-11-16 11:16 pm
假如落鐵時係 2T8-3-200FF, 中間個3代表乜野呢? 咁200 係spacing, 後面個FF 又係乜野黎架, 因為有時見佢唔係FF, 而係T , 點解呢?

回答 (4)

2008-11-17 10:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
3 means the idenification no of the rebar to show which locations. FF means front face.
2008-11-25 5:19 am

2T8 = 2 nos. of 8mm dia. high yield (T) rebars
2R8 = 2 nos. of 8mm dia. mild steel (R) rebars
3 = bar mark
200 = c/c spacing
FF = far face (Not front face ar)
T = top layer
2008-11-18 6:32 am
咁請問 2T8 係乜嘢? 兩條 top bar 8號鐵?
2008-11-18 4:50 am
Thank you

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