About HK Tram

2008-11-16 7:20 pm
When tram comes ,it makes a sound of 'ding ding'.Why it this?Moreover,when does this occur?

Answer in detail and english.Thx!

回答 (2)

2008-11-17 5:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
When a tram comes, it makes a sound of " ding ding" as the sound
from a car horn just to remind passengers of its coming.
When the tram is ready to leave the station, it makes the " ding ding" sound too just to let all passengers or other people know it is going to run.
They are cool, polite and nostalgic, much more pleasant than the honk of a car or bus.
2008-11-16 7:53 pm
The sound of 'ding ding' to remind a passenger the door soon to shut. this sound would occurrence the door want to close.

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